

Two Heads Are Better than One二人で考えたほうがうまくいく納税申告の威厳を明日に控えた友人二人がボヤいています。電子申告の手がある、という話になりますが、やりかたがよくわかりません。うまくいくでしょうか。F1: I don't want to do my taxes!F2: T


Get a Six-Pack腹筋を割る男性がジムで、新しいトレーナーと話を始めました。男性は自己の目標をあきらめたようですが、トレーナーはどう反応するのでしょうか。M: My goal is to get a six-pack, but I've given up.T: That's the wrong attitude. You need


Nine Times Out of Tenだいたいいつもレストランで、男性と女性が友人のミキを待っていますが、やってくる気配がありません。遅刻が多い女性のようですが・・・。M: Should we order?W: Shouldn't we wait for Miki?M: I guess so... but nine times out of t


In One Piece無事にスカイダイビングを終えた夫が妻に電話をしました。それぞれの第一声は・・・W: How did it go?H: I made it to the ground in one piece.W: Great!H: I was nervous but the instructor was so reassuring.W: I'd never jump out of a pla


Keep Up With歩調を合わせる姉のクジャクが餌を探しに外に出ようとしますが、弟のクジャクば待たせています。S: What's taking you so long?B: I'm checking my crest.S: Stop looking at yourself in the mirror. Let's go!B: Slow douw! I can't keep up wi


Live Up To (One's Expectations)期待通りである友人二人が、どこでランチを食べるかを決めようとしていますが・・・F1: Have you eaten at Mazumazu?F2: Yes. That restaurant didn't live up to my expectations.F1: Really? I heard it's famous for its s


Look Up To尊敬する男女の司会者が、これからテレビで歌う有名歌手を紹介します。M: This next singer is someone we both look up to.W: He was born and raised right here in Toronto.M: His father gave him a guitar when he was seven.W: A d he made a


Catch Up With (Each Other)情報交換するアツシは、電話で友人のフランとやっと連絡がとれました。A: We finally get to catch up with each other!F: Yes! What's new, Atsushi?A: We got a turtle named Kame-chan for the kids.F: Nice. They'll learn the


Look Down On見下す子猫のシャドーは、家から出て、隣家の猫のチャーリーに挨拶をします。彼は、彼女の悩みをよく聞いてくれます。C: Welcome to the neighborhood!S: Thanks. I'm Shadow.C: Charlie. How are you adjusting?S: To be honest, I'm not gettin


Put Up With我慢する2頭のオス犬、ルーディとバッドが、ご主人が飼い始めたメスの子猫シャドーの愚痴をこぼしています。R: So what do you think of Shadow, Bud?B: I cam't pretend to like her anymore, Rudy.R: Same here. She's always sneaking up on m


Come Down With(病気に)かかる母親と父親は2歳の息子ツヨシを連れて散歩にところですが、ツヨシがくしゃみをします。T: Achoo!F: Bless you! He might be coming down with a cold.M: Yes. We need to buy him a new jacket. He grew out of his old one.F


Come Up With考え出す女性と男性が一緒に小企業を立ち上げる相談を始めました。最後に何が決まるでしょうか。M: First, we have to come up with a business idea.W: How about opening a gym?M: Startup costs would be too high.W: Okay. Our town doesn't


Who Was Rescued?救われたのは誰か?渓谷の下から子猫を救い出したハルルをサリーは見直したようです。H: Don't worry, little kitty. You're safe now.S: She's adorable!H: I think I'm going to keep her. I'm naming her Lucky.S: Hi Lucky! You took a b


The Cat's Meow素晴らしい人サリーとハルルは、散歩をしながら夕陽を見るために外に出ます。渓谷を見下ろしながら歩いていると・・・。S: Brr! It's getting chilly!H: Here, you can wear my jacket.S: Thank you. (mewing sound) What's that sound?H: It's


Good Choice!いいチョイス!サリーとハルルはレストランで落ち合い、メインディッシュを楽しんだあと、デザートメニューを手にとりました。H: Do you have room for dessert?S: Yes, can we split it?H: Sure. What's good here?S: They have amazing gelato.


Can't Make Up My Mind気持ちがぐらついてるレイは友人のサリーの家に立ち寄り、彼女から元ボーイフレンドのハルルと再会したときの話を聞きます。S: Haruru wants me back!R: Wait a minute. Start from the beginning.S: He did some soul-searching and re


Not for Me to Decide私が決めることではサリーの元ボーイフレンドであるハルルは、再度彼女と付き合うため、キングスタウンに戻ることを考えています。H: I've been offered a job in Kingstown.S: Congratulations! Are you going to take it?H: Maybe. How


A Second Chance第二のチャンス待ち合わせたレストランに現れたハルルは、サリーに花束を渡します。H: These daisies reminded me of you.S: They'er lovely.H: I'm really sorry, Sally.S: Why did you leave so suddenly?H: I got cold feet. I was scared


The First Call in Five Months5ヵ月ぶりの電話5ヵ月前に姿を消したハルルからサリーの携帯に電話が入りました。S: Hello?H: Hey, Sally. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I've made some wrong choices in life and my biggest one was walking out on yo


Text Message Out of the Blue出し抜けのショートメッセージ町のカフェでサリーは友人のレイに、あるニュースを伝えます。S: Haruru texted me a message out of the blue.R: The guy who broke your heart?S: Yes. He's in town and wants to talk to me.R:


Spick and Spanピカピカに妻の誕生日にサプライズパーティーをするため、夫は子供達を動員して準備を始めましたが・・・。H: All right, let's get going --- on the double!B: What should I do?H: Mop the kitchen floor spick and span before Mom comes h


Neat and Tidyきちんと整頓された女性が「うどんすき」を作るところです。ボーイフレンドが手伝いを申し出ます。B: Need a hand?W: That'd be nice. Can you cook udon?B: Udon't ( You don't ) know how good I am.W: The pots and pans are in that bottom


Wear and Tear傷みマサコと夫のサムは古書店に来ています。マサコはある本を見て驚き、夫にそれを見せました。M: Kanashi-Ureshi! Sam, my teacher read this book aloud to us in third grade!S: No kidding!M: Yes. I loved this story! I don't know id it


All in All総じて高校生のメガンは、教会のバザーに参加しました。修了間近、迎えに来た父が売り上げの成果を尋ねます。D: How did it go, Megan?M: All in All, it was a success.D: Did you meet your goal?M: Yes! It went beyond our expectations.D: Way


Here and Thereあちこちで大がかりな自動車旅行を計画中の旅行ブロガーが、旅行好きの友人に電話をかけました。B: I'm planning to take Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica.F: How cool! When are you going?B: This spring. I drive to Chicago first.


The Dos and Don'ts注意事項2匹の野良猫、年配の黒猫と若い三毛猫(calico cat)が公園で会話中です。黒猫が今日食べたランチの話を始めました。B: I had canned tuna for lunch!C: How did you get that?B: I'll tell you the dos and don'ts.C: Please!B:


Ups and Downs山あり谷あり旅行から戻った女性に、友人が話を聞きます。F: How was your trip?W: Oh, there were ups and downs.F: What happened?W: My flight was cancelled due to bad weather.F: That's too bad!W: So I rebooked for the next day.F: Th


Rain or Shine何が何でも以前、ある読書界に入っていた男性と女性が、新年の抱負らしきものを語り始めました。二人ともなかなか忙しそうです。M: Have you read any good books lately?W: No. But this year I will read one book a month --- rain or shine.
