

Spick and Spanピカピカに妻の誕生日にサプライズパーティーをするため、夫は子供達を動員して準備を始めましたが・・・。H: All right, let's get going --- on the double!B: What should I do?H: Mop the kitchen floor spick and span before Mom comes h


Neat and Tidyきちんと整頓された女性が「うどんすき」を作るところです。ボーイフレンドが手伝いを申し出ます。B: Need a hand?W: That'd be nice. Can you cook udon?B: Udon't ( You don't ) know how good I am.W: The pots and pans are in that bottom


Wear and Tear傷みマサコと夫のサムは古書店に来ています。マサコはある本を見て驚き、夫にそれを見せました。M: Kanashi-Ureshi! Sam, my teacher read this book aloud to us in third grade!S: No kidding!M: Yes. I loved this story! I don't know id it


All in All総じて高校生のメガンは、教会のバザーに参加しました。修了間近、迎えに来た父が売り上げの成果を尋ねます。D: How did it go, Megan?M: All in All, it was a success.D: Did you meet your goal?M: Yes! It went beyond our expectations.D: Way


Here and Thereあちこちで大がかりな自動車旅行を計画中の旅行ブロガーが、旅行好きの友人に電話をかけました。B: I'm planning to take Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica.F: How cool! When are you going?B: This spring. I drive to Chicago first.


The Dos and Don'ts注意事項2匹の野良猫、年配の黒猫と若い三毛猫(calico cat)が公園で会話中です。黒猫が今日食べたランチの話を始めました。B: I had canned tuna for lunch!C: How did you get that?B: I'll tell you the dos and don'ts.C: Please!B:


Ups and Downs山あり谷あり旅行から戻った女性に、友人が話を聞きます。F: How was your trip?W: Oh, there were ups and downs.F: What happened?W: My flight was cancelled due to bad weather.F: That's too bad!W: So I rebooked for the next day.F: Th


Rain or Shine何が何でも以前、ある読書界に入っていた男性と女性が、新年の抱負らしきものを語り始めました。二人ともなかなか忙しそうです。M: Have you read any good books lately?W: No. But this year I will read one book a month --- rain or shine.
