

Keep Up With歩調を合わせる姉のクジャクが餌を探しに外に出ようとしますが、弟のクジャクば待たせています。S: What's taking you so long?B: I'm checking my crest.S: Stop looking at yourself in the mirror. Let's go!B: Slow douw! I can't keep up wi


Live Up To (One's Expectations)期待通りである友人二人が、どこでランチを食べるかを決めようとしていますが・・・F1: Have you eaten at Mazumazu?F2: Yes. That restaurant didn't live up to my expectations.F1: Really? I heard it's famous for its s


Look Up To尊敬する男女の司会者が、これからテレビで歌う有名歌手を紹介します。M: This next singer is someone we both look up to.W: He was born and raised right here in Toronto.M: His father gave him a guitar when he was seven.W: A d he made a


Catch Up With (Each Other)情報交換するアツシは、電話で友人のフランとやっと連絡がとれました。A: We finally get to catch up with each other!F: Yes! What's new, Atsushi?A: We got a turtle named Kame-chan for the kids.F: Nice. They'll learn the


Look Down On見下す子猫のシャドーは、家から出て、隣家の猫のチャーリーに挨拶をします。彼は、彼女の悩みをよく聞いてくれます。C: Welcome to the neighborhood!S: Thanks. I'm Shadow.C: Charlie. How are you adjusting?S: To be honest, I'm not gettin


Put Up With我慢する2頭のオス犬、ルーディとバッドが、ご主人が飼い始めたメスの子猫シャドーの愚痴をこぼしています。R: So what do you think of Shadow, Bud?B: I cam't pretend to like her anymore, Rudy.R: Same here. She's always sneaking up on m


Come Down With(病気に)かかる母親と父親は2歳の息子ツヨシを連れて散歩にところですが、ツヨシがくしゃみをします。T: Achoo!F: Bless you! He might be coming down with a cold.M: Yes. We need to buy him a new jacket. He grew out of his old one.F


Come Up With考え出す女性と男性が一緒に小企業を立ち上げる相談を始めました。最後に何が決まるでしょうか。M: First, we have to come up with a business idea.W: How about opening a gym?M: Startup costs would be too high.W: Okay. Our town doesn't
