

Flying CarM: How about a ride in my new flying car?F: Are you qualified to fly it?M: Of course! I have my private pilot's license.F: In that case, I have no qualms about it.M: Buckled up. I'm going to accelerate for take off. Up the go!F:



社長から「ここは俺の会社だ。そんなに意見が言いたいんだったら、不思議の国のアリスのように、他のところへ行けばいいじゃないか!」…と、実際に言われました。■「権利は使わなければ輝かない」ブラック企業から自分を守る手段(THE PAGE - 05月26日 16:21


Taking a Helicopter RideR: Aladdin, how about taking a sightseeing tour to the Grand Canyon in a helicopter?A: I'm prone to motion sickness, Rosemary.R: It's not that much different from an airplane ride.A: Really?R: Yes. You'll love every


Flying a Hang GliderC: Amelia, how do I take off?A: Start off with a fast walk and then runun.C: The wind is picking up.A: Yes, it is. You'll be in the air in no time.C: I'm flying!A: You're heading in the wrong direction! Try to land on y


Close ConnectionK: There's no one at Gate 15!D: The departure board says our flight is boarding at Gate 50!K: We'd better get a move on!G: Paging passengers Ken Chigi and Donna Tale, please proceed to Gate 50 immediately.D: Ah! The'll be cl


Circumnavigating the World Single-HandedlyR: Tell me about your great journey around the world.C: I set sail on April 24, 1895.R: Hou long did it take to complete your voyage?C: Three years and two month.R: Did you run into any trouble?C: I


A ShipwreckC: I have located a sunken vessel. See the mast?D: Yes! I'll dive to the ocean bottom and report back immediately.(Dives in, then later surfaces.) It's a shipwreck unlike any other!C: Just as I thought!D: I salvaged this bronze


あなたはパラセーリングをすることに二の足を踏んでいるのですか?心配することは全くありません。元の船の上にしっかり着地しますよ。Are you having second thoughts about Parasailing? There's nothing to worry about. You'll be landing right back on


この間、私たちはシュノーケリングツアーに参加しました。水は気持ちよかったです。ハシナガイルカの小さな群れを見ました。Recently, we were on a Snorkeling Cruise. The water was fine. We saw a pod of spinner dolphins.Awesome!・・・という表現があ




車を洗う前に、それを水洗いする必要があります。それからミトンかスポンジのどちらかを使って、仕事に取りかかります。Before washing car, we need to rinse it. Then we use a mitt or a sponge, and get down to business.洗車をする際に、よくウオーター


アランは自転車で坂を上っていました。しかし両足が痛くなりました。そしてそれからチェーンが外れました。Alan Rided uphill by bike. But his legs were getting sore. And then his chain just came off.5分程度休憩を取ることを「take five」といいます


10番バスは時間どおりに運行したためしがありません。料金は2ドル50セントですが、おつりがないようにする必要があります。タクシーを使ったほうが楽ですよ。The number 10 bus never runs on time. The fare is $2.50, however, You need exact change.


そのカップルは助けが必要でした。彼らはその券売機の使い方がどうもわかりませんでした。コインの持ち合わせもありませんでした。This couple needed help. They can't figure out how to use this Train Ticket Machine. They don't have any coins on them
