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■マレーシア、全ての外国人の入国を禁止 マレーシア人の出国も
(Traicy - 03月17日 11:21)


なお,マレー同僚に確認したところ,この布告は, enforcement by law (法律による強制力があるそうです)



Assalamualaikum and Happy Holidays, my dear Malaysian sisters.

Tonight, I am again in front of my brothers and sisters to inform the situation of the Covid-19 outbreak which has raised concerns not only in Malaysia, but around the world.

To date, the Covid-19 outbreak has spread in 135 countries. A total of 162,711 people have been positively diagnosed with Covid-19 worldwide. Of these, 6,443 people have died.

In Malaysia, there has been a sharp increase in Covid-19 cases, up from 190 cases yesterday, followed by 125 new cases today, bringing the total number of infected individuals to 553. Of these, 511 were hospitalized, while 42 were recovering.

The government takes a serious look at the situation during this dangerous virus threat, especially the development of the second wave. The current priority of the Government is to prevent the spread of this new epidemic that will affect more people. The current situation of the outbreak requires drastic action to be taken to recover the situation as soon as possible.

To this end, the Government has decided to implement the Movement Control Order, from March 18, 2020, the day after March 31, 2020, throughout the country. This control order is made under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 and the Police Act 1967. This Movement Control Order includes;

First, the general prohibition of mass movements and gatherings across the country including religious, sports, social and cultural activities. To enforce this prohibition, all houses of worship and business premises

1. should be closed, except for supermarkets, public markets, grocery stores and convenience stores selling everyday necessities. Specifically for Muslims, the adjournment of all religious activities in mosques and mosques including Friday prayers is in line with the decision of the Special Mental Health Committee meeting on March 15, 2020.

Secondly, the sanctions cover all Malaysians traveling abroad. For those who have just returned from overseas, they are required to undergo a health check and to do a quarantine (or self quarantine) for 14 days;

Third, restrictions on the entry of all tourists and foreign visitors into the country;

Fourth, closure of all kindergartens, government and private schools including daily schools, boarding schools, international schools, tahfiz centers and other primary, secondary and pre-university institutions;

Fifth, the closure of all public and private higher education institutions (IPTs) and skills training institutes nationwide; and

Sixth, the closure of all government and private premises except those involved in essential services (water, electricity, energy, telecommunications, postal, transportation, irrigation, oil, gas, fuel, lubricants, broadcasting, finance, banking, health, pharmacy, fire, prison, port, airport, safety, defense, cleaning, retail and food supply.

I realize that my brothers and sisters may feel that the actions taken by this Government create difficulties and difficulties for our brothers and sisters in our daily lives. However, this action must be taken by the government to curb the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak which is likely to endanger the lives of the people of the country.

We have seen a rapid increase in the Covid-19 outbreak from tens of thousands of people infected with the virus to thousands of people over time

2. short in some other countries. Of course, brothers and sisters do not want the same thing to happen in our country.

We can't wait any longer until things get worse. Drastic action should be taken immediately to prevent the spread of the disease by limiting the movement of the public. This is the only way we can prevent more people from being infected by the outbreaks that can destroy lives.

I hope my brothers and sisters will be able to endure this challenge. Don't panic, don't worry, and stay calm. I believe with the measures of movement restrictions implemented by the Government, we will be able to block the spread of this outbreak in the near future.

We have seen some countries take drastic steps to control the outbreak such as China which has shown a sharp decline in cases of Covid-19 infection.

I also want to assure you that the supply of food, daily necessities and healthcare including face masks is sufficient. I have directed the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs to continuously monitor the situation of food supply and daily needs in the market during the duration of this Movement Control Order.

I urge my brothers and sisters to always obey this Order of Control. It is our collective responsibility that we must carry out as citizens who care about our families, our communities and our country.

I also want to inform you that the National Security Council Special Meeting will meet daily to monitor and monitor the situation of the Covid-19 outbreak. I will personally chair this meeting and inform my brothers and sisters of the Covid-19 outbreak situation from time to time.

3. If you have any questions regarding the Movement Control Order, you can contact the National Operations Management Center at hotline 03-88882010 starting at noon tomorrow.

I take this opportunity to thank all the health workers, civil servants and all those who have worked tirelessly day and night to curb this outbreak.

I pray that your brothers and sisters will continue to be diligent and diligent in carrying out their duties for the country to ensure the safety and well-being of the people of this country.

Finally, I pray that your brothers and sisters are always protected by Allah S.W.T.

Wabillahitaufik wal hidayah, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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