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週記353 A lot of conflict part.2

This week, my department's invective man (tentative name : S-San) acted terribly bad way and made a lot of human conflict, so I write about that.

In this week, our department team include me and S-san went to one of our factory for important meeting.

S-san was a facilitator at the meeting, and the meeting itself was OK, that is our purpose could achieve.

But unfortunately, I met one problem… no maybe it’s not even problem.

That was, I got unreasonable condemnation from S-san.

Background is following,
1. During meeting, S-san said something about unscheduled task without prior consultation.
2. I stated that “The task you said is not scheduled at now, so of course I don’t prepare that. In addition, the task need a lot of time, we can’t finish that immediately.”
3. After the meeting, S-san freak out and said vulgar insult words to me and my colleague.
4. His claim’s point was that “You are the person in charge of the tasks, and the facts which not scheduled and not finished are your responsibility! I can’t believe your irresponsibility!”
5. I said that “We checked the overall schedule of this project, and you were also checked our tasks schedule. Why you claim and blame after all this time?”
6. But he don’t want to accept my word, Only angry.

After this passage, I write my consideration of S-san’s act.

As I wrote few month ago and this problem, I convince that S-san is PSYCHOPATH.

All of characters suited his act (Characters of psychopath as follow).
1. It looks like Puzzle and Sociable
2. Eager to get sympathy
3. They often do an irresponsible behavior
4. When they are criticized, they easy to freak out
5. Basically without warmth

Now, I worry about our project future, because his act clearly restrict action of project members.

This project is very high level, that is too difficult.

So it need our best practice, but now it too severe to attain.

I’m too much afraid of our project.

That’s all.

【最近のSun set on sky】
・空から見た夕焼け(Photo No.1)

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