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週記348 A lot of conflict

This week, there were too a lot of conflict in my job, so I will write about it.

In another weekly diary, I said work is collaboration, it's need to connect many colleges.

Therefore, if we work with an invective man, atmosphere become bad gradually and the project is added confections.

They say slander not criticisms, not constructive opinions.

Now, our office team member (of course I contain them) joined big project and manage another related departments, whole related member are over fifty, that is big project!

Maybe, readers are already expect the story line, EXACTLY!

In out project member contain the invective man.

He don’t want to change his idea, and If that is threatened, he vomit and criticize other parson suddenly.

I analyses his acts, and notice that his acts like a Psychopath.

In web page which I referenced stated that Psychopath's specific characters are below,
1. It looks like Puzzle and Sociable
2. Eager to get sympathy
3. They often do an irresponsible behavior
4. When they are criticized, they easy to freak out
5. Basically without warmth

And my colleagues acts are basically correct to those points.

This is annoy me and other colleagues.

How we could complete our project without any trouble?

I ‘m bit uneasy for that.

That’s all.

・Sunset with Construction(Photo No.1)
Some day, I came back to home relatively early. Somehow I showed up, I noticed that there were constructing building. That building had only a skeleton, and the top area looks like some kind of Stage. The scene put me in mind of the after music live event stage. I feel some nostalgic emotion.
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