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島添大里グスク Shimashita Ozato Gusuku (Castle) Ruins

After attending Online Course Orientation for JICA training course "Planning and Management of Eco-Tourism in Tropical and Subtropical Areas" for a participant in Antigua and Barbuda at 6AM, I went to Nanjo City to join a guided walking tour at Shimashita Ozato Gusuku (Castle) Ruins this morning! They say that there used to be the second largest main hall Seidel in the Ryukyu Kingdom. Of course the biggest one was at Shuri Castle! I want to believe that Shimashita Ozato Gusuku was the residence of the Nanzan Kingdom.”

朝6時のアンティグア バブーダの研修員向けのJICA研修「熱帯・亜熱帯地域におけるエコツーリズム企画・運営」のオンラインコースオリエンテーションに参加した後、島添大里城跡を歩くランナー‍♀イベントに参加!かつては、首里城の正殿に次いで、琉球王国でニ番目に大きな正殿があったと言われています。島添大里グスクこそ南山王の居城と信じたいですexclamation

#okinawa #tourguide #沖縄 #通訳案内士 #通訳ガイド.
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