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初日の出@成田山 First Sun Rise of 2017@Naritasan Temple

Please note that this article was written on January 1st.

明けましておめでとうございます!今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたしますexclamation ×2 2017年も沖縄の数えきれない魅力を多くの方達に伝える事に情熱を注ぎます! 元気な顔を見せに父や母をなるべく多く訪ねて幸せにしたいものです! 限られた時間でも強い信頼関係の築かれた友達、仕事仲間と過ごす時間を大切にしたいです!! 有能でも人を困らせ嫌な気持ちにさせる、人として信頼出来ない人とは関わらない様にしたいものです! 他人を思いやる心(ちむぐくる)こそ、世界に誇る沖縄の大きな魅力です。今年も多くの人をハッピーにさせる記事を発信していきますexclamation ×2 皆さん、いつも私をサポートして下さり有り難うございます。皆さんにとって平和な年となります様にハート

A happy new year! I hope everyone is having great holidays! In 2017, I will introduce countless charms of Okinawa to many people! I will visit Mother and Father and show my Genki (cheerful) face to make them happy! Although my free time might be limited, I will cherish my time with my friends and working pals whom I have fostered a strong trusting relationship with! I will stay away from those who give someone trouble or / and make someone unhappy even though they are capable because i cannot trust such a person as a human being! "Chimugukuru"(Consideration for others) is what we can be proud of, a great charm of Okinawa! I will keep updating my blog articles which I hope make everybody happy! I really appreciate everyone's kind support for me! I sincerely hope 2017 will be a peaceful, happy new year to you all!\(^o^)/「写真撮影は7時半頃、2枚目はその10分後位」(The1st photo was taken around 7:30 andthey 2nd one, about 15 minutes after that.)

#沖縄 #通訳ガイド #新年のご挨拶 #Okinawa #TourGuide #HappyNewYear
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