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FPMTの全日制7年間のMaster’s Programを、日本人女性が2名、一人は卒業、もう一人は近く卒業予定です。日本にとって素晴らしいことです。Master’s Programはゲルク派のゲシェー養成に相当するプログラムで五種のテキストを深く学び、リトリートも行います。残念ながらこれらお二人の女性はいま、日本在住ではありませんが、ドガクスンジュクは彼女たちをサポートし、お力を借りたいと思っています。



サポートメンバー(年会費五千円) DNSJの維持と長寿祈願法要その他への布施・供養
 ゾパ・リンポチェの米国の自宅で作成されたホワイト・ターラあるいはミトゥクパのツァツァを贈呈。金色。
 ドガクスンジュクの小さなライブラリーを使用できます。
パトロンメンバー(年会費二万五千円) 海外からの教師の招聘費用。今世でも来世でも常に教えを受けられる素晴らしい功徳。
 ゾパ・リンポチェの自宅で作成された金と白で塗装された仏塔を贈呈。四種の強力な真言が収められている。
 ゾパ・リンポチェおよびダライ・ラマ法王に対し、死者への祈願の要請の際に手助けする。
 ネパールのコパン僧院に各種祈願を要請する時は、希望に応じてコパン僧院のウェブサイトからの要請手続きを補助する。コパン僧院には用途に応じて、一年中様々な法要を要請することができる。祈願の種類に応じて(死亡・仕事・健康問題など)、その時々の状況に応じて、占いによりどの法要を行うか決定することもあるので、希望者側の状況をコパン僧院に説明する手伝いをします。占いの結果、法要ではなく、コパン僧院の僧侶があなたに代わって、ある種の修行をすることもあります。

( )新規  ( )継続 
メンバーシップの種類: ( )サポート (  )パトロン ( )生涯メンバー

口座名: ドガクスンジュク
記号: 10010
番号: 41667751

店名: 〇〇八 (ゼロゼロハチ)
店番: 008 預金種目: 普通預金 口座番号: 4166775


Dear Friends,
It’s a little past due for Do Ngak Sung Juk’s annual membership drive. We sincerely appreciate the help members provide us; it’s what allows us to invite teachers, make donations for the long life of holy beings, and continue offering various dharma activities in Japan. A comment I recently heard, “DNSJ offers such a variety of things” demonstrates a basic aim – attracting people with different interests by offering various activities.
You’re familiar with DNSJ’s current activities, so what about the future? Even though we’re smaller sized, being a piece of a larger, established organization, FPMT, has many benefits. Already we are joining with our global sister centers’ activities to increase blessings.
We’re fortunate to receive teachings on texts from learned Tibetan teachers, which DNSJ will continue. Qualified non-Tibetan teachers will also be invited. Westerners who have been studying the dharma for decades know what it’s like to work fulltime or have families so have learned to incorporate the teachings into their everyday lives or put their practice into action; they have much experience and practical advice to offer, too. Two Japanese women completed and are near completing FPMT’s 7-year fulltime study in the residential Master’s Program. How very fortunate for us! The Master’s program was inspired by the Gelugpa monasteries’ geshe studies so consists of indepth study of five great texts and extensive retreat. Even though these amazing women don’t live in Japan, DNSJ wants to support and utilize their extensive dharma knowledge.
Through the above teachers’ inspiration, undoubtedly new opportunities will arise whereby DNSJ members can study further and apply the teachings in helping others. With new activities attracting new people, hopefully DNSJ will grow to the point of needing our own space/center to accommodate our many events.
For all the above to happen, we need your help. Please consider becoming a member or renewing your membership to Do Ngak Sung Juk. Your contribution will not only help us in the short term but the benefit will continue for generations. We’d also like to present members the following based on your level of membership:
Support Members (\5000 annual donation) for maintenance and donations
• Gold painted White Tara or Mitrugpa tsa-tsa made at Rinpoche’s house in California
• Access to DNSJ’s small library
Patron Members (\25,000 annual donation) help bring teachers to DNSJ, creating incredible merit to always receive teachings in this and future lives
• Gold and white painted stupa filled with the 4 powerful mantras made at Rinpoche’s house in California
• Assistance with requesting prayers for the dead from Rinpoche and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and also in requesting prayers from Kopan Monasteries’ website. Specific pujas may be requested any time from their website; or by supplying info of the circumstance (someone’s death, business, personal, or health problems, etc.), a divination is done and specific practices are completed on your behalf. (DNSJ will provide assistance only.)

Lifetime Members (\250,000) are committed DNSJ supporters helping us fulfill Rinpoche’s long term vision of our own center
• Special privileges with visiting teachers

I’d also like to keep in closer touch with members through a newsletter with FPMT and DNSJ updates.
The main reason to support Do Ngak Sung Juk is to practice generosity towards a virtuous object – a holy Buddhist center. Practicing generosity in this way is a powerful antidote to attachment and creates the cause to gain enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Please consider becoming a member. Our bank details follow:
With gratitude and prayers,

Doc O’Connor
DNSJ’s Merely Labeled Director
I’d also like to keep in closer touch with members through a newsletter with FPMT and DNSJ updates.
The main reason to support Do Ngak Sung Juk is to practice generosity towards a virtuous object – a holy Buddhist center. Practicing generosity in this way is a powerful antidote to attachment and creates the cause to gain enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Please consider becoming a member. Our bank details follow:
With gratitude and prayers,

Doc O’Connor
DNSJ’s Merely Labeled Director



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