

『世界の肖像』コミュの最貧地の妊産婦 助ける好機 サラ・ブラウン(英国首相夫人)

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最貧地の妊産婦 助ける好機












Sarah Brown

Wife of Britain's prime minister

 In many parts of the world it is traditional for an expectant mother to say goodbye to her husband and other children when she goes into labour, understanding that she might not see them again.

This is a global tragedy that must be brought to an end. We cannot begin to resolve any of the other problems facing the developing world if we do not first save the lives of these women.

 In 2000 the United Nations established the eight Millennium Development Goals setting out what the major countries accepted as achievable targets.

 It is to the great credit of these countries that they included in these goals the objective to reduce the number of mothers dying in childbirth by three-quarters by 2015. It is to no-one's credit that this is the only Millennium Development Goal where absolutely no progress has been made. The figures today are the same as they were twenty years ago.

 Across the world more than half a million mothers' lives will be lost between now and this time next year―almost all of them in developing countries―one death every minute. For every death, thirty women are left suffering from injuries and disabilities.

 Across sub-Saharan Africa and much of South Asia mothers are dying needlessly at a time that should be joyous.

 Millions of babies and older children are left without a mother putting them at much higher risk. Children who have lost their mothers are up to four times more likely to die.

 Yet, almost all their mothers' lives could be saved, if only they received the care taken for granted by most women in the world today.

 Prime Minister Fukuda's recent promise to increase the number of obstetricians and paediatricians shows Japan's commitment to maternal health care at home.

 The Hokkaido G8 is Japan's opportunity to help mothers in the poorest parts of the world too, and I welcome Prime Minister Fukuda's promise to use the meeting to help improve global health care.

 There is a global shortage of about four million health workers, and where there is conflict, essential health services often disappear entirely.

 In Sierra Leone, for example, there is one health worker per 2,800 people and only one nurse per 8,600 people. This compares to Japan where there is one doctor for every 500 people and one nurse for every 111 people.

 Health workers should be there to see a woman through pregnancy, see her newborn into the world and see her child successfully through the early stages of life.

Initiatives like Japan's Boshi Techo (Mother and Child Health Handbook) recognise the importance of these steps.

 So this is no longer an issue of knowledge. We know how to save these lives. It is an issue of political will.

 The White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood is campaigning on this issue in ninety one countries around the world. From the grass roots up, the Alliance finds ways to reach women who know firsthand the problems and the solutions to save women's lives in their own communities. Recently we launched a global campaign to End Maternal Mortality, its Promise to Mothers Lost.

 The campaign will encourage the growing political will to secure the investments in women's health care needed to save lives, including at the G8 Summit in Japan in July.

 We all have a part to play to save women's lives needlessly lost in childbirth.

Together we can make sure that maternal mortality doesn't remain the forgotten Millennium Development Goal, but the single greatest gift that we can give the next generation.

 Sarah Brown is wife of Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Patron of The White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood.




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