

食べる健康法コミュのVegetarians Live Longer

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Written by Jamie Stowe| Thursday, 13 June 2013| There are 0 comments

vegetarian diets are connected to lower rates of hypertension and heart disease

More evidence that eating your fruit and vegetables is a good idea has been released by a team of researchers who claim that consuming them can make you live longer! The researchers said that men who traditionally shun the idea of eating lots of greens would benefit even more than women!

The study which was done by a team of scientists at the Loma Linda University based in California noted that the death rate was reduced by 12 per cent in those people who ate no meat compared to those who did. In all over 70,000 people of different ages were evaluated for this study and it was assumed that the health benefits came from the fact that the vegetarians had lower blood pressure and healthier cholesterol levels.

It is not the first time that studies have shown that vegetarian diets are connected to lower rates of hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

This study was interesting in that it did not just look at vegetarians and non-vegetarians but examined the different types of vegetarian diets and came up with five distinct categories. They were non-vegetarian, semi-vegetarian (meaning they occasionally or rarely ate meat), pesco-vegetarian (meaning they ate fish and other types of seafood), lacto-ovo-vegetarian (meaning they ate dairy products and eggs) and vegan (meaning a complete ban on all animal products).

Over the six years of the study just over 2500 deaths were recorded among the volunteers and from this the study authors were able to deduce the likelihood of death among the different categories. The study which was published by JAMA Internal Medicine also came to the conclusion that a vegetarian diet was associated with older people, slimmer people and fitter people. It was also noted that they were more likely to be well educated, not to smoke, to drink less and to be married.

This evidence will be seized on by proponents of vegetarian diets as further proof that cutting out red meat from your diet is a very healthy thing to do!

コピーライト 2013 This content has been exclusively written by UKMedix



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