

食べる健康法コミュのConstitutional Medicine: Major Negative

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Constitutional medicine is a theoretical approach based on observations of the human body and its relation to emotional and physiological characteristics and its pathological tendencies. This theory is based on the belief that the body and spirit are one. Matter is a palpable and tangible consequence (in this physical dimension) of the thoughts, emotions, and attitudes that we have had.

This theory classifies the human body into four principle constitutions: major positive (MaP), minor positive (MiP), major negative (MaN), and minor negative (MiN). The characteristics of many people are well-defined, while others are somewhere between them. Of course, the capability of knowing oneself and others is an art.

In this article I emphasize the major negative constitution, since many people close to me belong to this physical constitution—among them was my professor of acupuncture. Of all the major constitutions, I am the most clear of the cause of the major negative.

Each one of these constitutions is related to the blood and energy. A MaN body is a very material one, with much blood, volume, and weight. A major positive body is very energetic, dynamic, and thin.

A body of MaN constitution normally has a large and developed liver, with lungs relatively less developed. The bones of these people are thick, their heads are relatively large, and so are their eyes, jaw, and mouth. The neck is robust, the body uniform in tone; the extremities are also strong but perhaps lacking in dexterity and are relatively short.

Physically they are characterized by a great ability to transport and move things, but due to having little support from their lungs, that energy manifests in shorter bursts, with many ups and downs. These people can work intensively for a long period of time with much energy and no rest. Despite this, they can still collapse and abandon what they were doing after such great efforts. In the world of sport, for example, they may be shot-putters, but would never be marathon runners.

The MiN type are usually businessmen, bosses, and influential directors, considered and serious, and as such are usually around a lot of people. That is to say, they live for power. They must direct, and do not allow themselves to be easily influenced by their peers—following the footsteps of others may be considered costly. These days more and more people are of this constitution.

Why Are These Characteristics Related to the Liver?

Since antiquity, the Chinese have regarded the liver as a carnal symbol. As we know, the liver is considered one of the most important organs. It has many functions, including cleaning the blood and emotions; detoxifying the body of alcohol, tobacco, medications; and protecting it from other external agents. As such, the liver is the great defender and protector of the body.

A person of MaN constitution will protect and defend that which belongs to them: business, family, group of ideas, and emotions. That is to say, they live for affection, and anything that is beyond their range of control and understanding may be perceived as a threat.

These people tend to suffer from hypertension, stress, skin problems, diabetes, asthma, bronchitis, and other metabolic problems, since they live with a lot of pressure and preoccupations.

The therapy utilized for this type of constitution consists in energetically equilibrating the lungs and large intestine with the liver and the gallbladder. In this way, metabolism and circulation of blood will be improved, generating less tension in the body, and creating a feeling of lightness and greater dynamism. Without this regulation, other types of treatment may be ineffective.

These people have been born to direct others, but for this reason, they should be more humble and generous. They should be open to all without creating boundaries, in order to conserve their health and integrity and to enhance their personal and spiritual growth.

After all, in this universe the greatest and most genuine power goes hand in hand with humility.



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