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Shinto is no religion

Shinto is no religion, it is rooted in very basic views
of nature including humans; it believes in eternal
soul and spirit; bleeding from killing or murder is taboo.
Some religions have ways of thinking to justify killing heretics.
Some misunderstanding or biased views:
When the country opened its door to the West,
it was "A farming state with a disorganized military,
weak industrial infrastructure, and an uneducated
mass population."
The country had the isolation policy and been far behind
in organizing military and navy; one of the reasons Japan
was targetted as arms purchaser, which was strategy of
colonialism and imperialism. Some must have thought
it hilarious to sell leftover arms from the Civil War in US.
Those days Japan had good system to educate children;
at school children learned reading, writing and algebra.
Now some of us who studied at uni can hardly read
calligraphy works in the Edo Era, though they may speak,
write and read English.
There are other errors, but no time for me to go through them.

Shinto is no religioin. If you observe what has been with and in it,
you can see it's more like a White Hall sucking up the defects of
those religions, which justify killing and put humans at top.


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