

世界の料理教室 Niki's Kitchenコミュの南アフリカのワインテイスティング

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Get your Game On!
World Cup Pre-Game South African Wine Tasting
Interested in the upcoming World Cup but want to ease into the festivities on the night of the opening match slowly instead of diving directly into beer-fueled sports-bar mayhem?
To the Moon and Back Catering (the folks from Fujimamas) will be having a party on June 11, from 7pm ~ 9pm, and everyone is invited. Even if you may be only mildly interested in Soccer, but want to come and celebrate one of the largest sporting events around the world. We plan to kick off this football world wide experience with some great South African wine - in honor of the host nation – and tasty finger foods.
Cost: JPY3,500/person (includes finger food & 2 drinks- after that cash bar)
Time/Date: June 11, 2010, 7pm~9pm
Place: Wesley Center, Minami Aoyama
The party itself will end in time for people to head off to their favorite bar to watch the opening match and we'll have a number of recommendations for suitable venues near the Wesley Center where you can cheer on your favorite team for GAME 1.
Great chance to come out, enjoy some wine, food and meet new people.
Please join us!
If you RSVP to get on the list by thurs. 6/10 we will give you one extra drink ticket for the bar and wine tasting! Rsvp to Lauren@moonandback.jp
Please feel free to spread the word- forward this to anyone you think might be interested.
MAP here http://www.telljp.com/images/uploads/map.to.TELL.pdf
The Wesley center is just 10 mins from Omotesando Station or on bus stop from Shibuya
Directions to Wesley Center
From Shibuya Station, take Bus 1 (200 yen) to the first bus stop at Aoyama Chutobumae. From that bus stop, turn right and walk straight up the slight incline. (On the opposite side of the expressway, there is Monsoon Restaurant and Eneos Gas Station) Back to your side of the expressway, there is an open area (future road) and the Wesley Center has a low brick sign in front of the building. It is the 2nd building from the expressway.
From Omotesando Station, take exit B1 and turn left at Max Mara onto Koto-dori. Go straight past Starbucks, Poplar conveni on the left hand side of Koto-dori and cross over to the other side of the rode by the shoe store so you are by Hunting World, continue straight and take the next right and the Wesley Center has a low brick sign in front of the building.
If you need help finding us on the night, please don’t hesitate to call our football-party planner Mike at 090-6153-7365



フジママいったことがないのですがインターナショナルぽくて素敵そうなイメージです せんさまはいったことありますか?



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