

English for childrenコミュのHurts

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自分からわざと転倒、「ママ!」と呼び 振り向くと横になったまま

何も聞かれないのに 「アイムオーケー!」

唯一英語でそれっぽい言い回しができるものの ひとつです。

Watch out!(あぶない!)
Watch your step/head.(足もと/頭 気をつけて)
Oh, you fell!(あー こけた!)
Are you Ok?(大丈夫?)
Did you bump your head?(頭打ったの?)
You bumped your head(頭打ったぁ・・・)
Show me where it hurts.(痛いとこ見せて)

Where does it hurt?(どこが痛いの?)
Did you get hurt?(痛かった?)
Right here?(この辺?)
Oh, it's just a scrach.(ちょっとかすっただけだよ)
You'll be alright.(大丈夫だよ)
Ouch Ouch fly away!(痛いの痛いの 飛んでけー)
Be careful next time, ok?(次は気をつけてね)

You'll get better soon.(すぐよくなるよ)
Oh look at that! (あ、アレ見て!・・・と気をそらす)


I bit my inside mouth. It hurts!

子供が走り寄ってくるとカワイイけど 必ず痛いことが起こるので怖いっす。

このトピックに追加できそうな 言い回しがあったら追加してくださいね☆


Look at the size of the bruise!! (うわぁ、でっかいあおたん!!)
Oh no. You've got a bruise. (うわー、あおたんになってる)
It looks painful!! (痛そう。)

Mommy is very proud of you(ママは誇りに思うわ。)泣き止んだ時に
Mommy knows that you are a very strong/ brave boy
Stop crying(泣くのをやめて)
promise mommy you will be extra careful next time, ok?"

Do you have an owie/booboo? (痛い?)
※owie は子供や 子供に対して使う 「痛み」のことだそう。

I'll kiss it and make it better (ここにキスしてあげるね)
Aren't you a brave boy/girl?(強い子だね、エライね。)


>Show me where your hurts.(痛いとこ見せて)※複数形?ビデオで聞き取り。


Show me where it hurts.  かな?(どこが痛いのか見せて)

"your hurts" っていう言い方は、どちらかというと内面的な痛みのほうで使われます。心や精神が傷ついてる場合ね。


【What happened to 〜 (〜どうしたの?)】
What happened to your leg? (足どうしたの?)
What happened to your finger? (指どうしたの?)


It's bleeding! (血が出てるわよ)
It may be broken. (骨が折れてるかも。。。)

I fell down the stairs. (階段から落ちた)
I sprang my ankle./I twisted my ankle. (足首ひねっちゃった)
I busted my nose. (思いっきり鼻にくらった)

Let's clean the wound. (傷口をキレイにしましょ)
Put a bandaid on it. (バンドエイド貼っときなさい)
Leave it alone and it will heal on its own. (ほっとけば勝手に治るわよ)


今日はとりあえずこの辺で。 ウッシッシ


思いっきり鼻に ナニをくらったのかがすごく気になりますがウッシッシ

(風邪熱すら 生まれてこのかた2回だけ)
血が出たことはまだないんだけど 自分に対してIt's bleedingはよく使ってます。

あ そうだ (あおたん) について 知っておられたら教えてくださいませ。
辞書で内出血を引くと 医学用語なのかたっくさん出てきます。


turns blue とかは表現違います?


「友達と喧嘩して噛まれた」 とか






あおたん = a bruise / bruises

「turn blue」ってのは、もっと広い範囲かなぁ? 例えば、指を挟んで、血が指に行かなくなって青くなっちゃうときとか。

I think it is going to be bruised. / I think you are going to have a bruise. (痣になっちゃうかもね?)

I've got a bruise on my right leg. (右足に痣ができちゃったよ。)

Look at the size of the bruise!! (うわぁ、でっかいあおたん!!)

Oh no. You've got a bruise. It looks painful!! (うわー、あおたんになってる。痛そう。)

I guess I hit my hand against something and that gave me a bruise. (多分手をどこかにぶつけたんだろな。痣になってるよ。)

The flu vaccination shot gave me a bruise. (インフルエンザの予防接種したところが痣になっちゃったよ。)


私以外の人は噛みませんが この前勢いよくパンの端くれと一緒に
ガブっとやられて 歯型がくっきり・・・ふらふら

痣(なるほど、あざ ですね)Bruise 載ってました。ありがとう!

机を運んでいて足に落とす・・・なんて聞いただけで 恐ろしいですね。

I とか YOU とか意味はなんとなくわかってるかもしれないけど 
私自身になじんでないのでたぶん 息子はあんまり分かってない。

痛いの痛いの 飛んでけー
I've never used the similar phrase before, is it common to say it when
a child gets hurt?
My in-laws used to say "Don't cry, see, I beat it" (when my son bumped
himself against a table or something), I felt repulsive somehow as I
think it's ridiculous to blame a non-living thingもうやだ〜(悲しい顔) The table did
nothing wrong, neither did it need to be responsible for a small incident
committed by a careless toddler. Instead, I always ask my boy whether
he's all right first, if he says yes, then I will tell him:
"Mommy is very proud of you!"
If he says no (supposed he really has badly hurt himself), I will give
him lots hugs & kisses, then tell him:
"Mommy knows that you are a very strong/ brave boy, stop crying, and
promise mommy you will be extra careful next time, ok?"
Normally he stops crying very soon after what I've told him, I'm indeed
very proud of my little guy.

Apparently Togi is as tough as you!
is way of saying to use children in japanese.
(泣き止まないときに気をそらせるために 私は使います)
So I guess that you never heard this phrase "Ouch ouch fly away"...

I know how you feel too.
>>I felt repulsive somehow as I think it's ridiculous to blame a non-living thing The table did nothing wrong, neither did it need to be responsible for a small incident committed by a careless toddler.

Some mother attention "the naughty hand" (この手が悪いから 手だけを叩いて怒る) 
when their child did bad things, threw and broke something,
but I think that it is not "the hand" fault, the child has to think what he did.

My son-Togi is very tough.....than his mother.ボケーっとした顔
Exactly, better tell the child what he/ she has done wrong rather than
just giving them a corporal punishment. I saw many children give their
moms a tit for tat when they couldn't be satisfied, I think it's one of
the terrible negative influences from what the parents have treated them
when they don't behave.
I am totally with you ladies. I think it is very important to teach children right from wrong and good from bad.

I also teach my kid that no means no. I see some mothers who give in too easily. Like, a kid wants a candy bar or something, and at first, the mother says no. But the kid won't give up and persistently asks his mom to buy it. Eventually, the mother gets tired of him asking so much and ends up buying the candy just to shut him up. Kids are not stupid. They are always testing how much they can push their parents to do something for them. In this case, the kid knows if he bugs his mother long enough, he would get what he wants. See, I won't let my kid do that to me. When I say no, that means "final" and I will not change my mind.

We live with my parents and grand parents under one roof, so there is a lot of spoiling going on. That is probably another reason why I am a bit on the strict side. You know, someone's gonna have to play the authority figure, let it be me. ウッシッシ
Hello ladies,

Sorry to jump into the conversation late. I just joined this community today. ^_^

Wow everyone, you know a lot of useful phrases! I just thought I'd add a couple that we use in the US a lot. Generally speaking, we use a more childish form of English when speaking to our kids, especially when they're toddlers.

So, for example:

Oh, you fell! = Awww, baby go boom / Aww, baby fell down and went boom (said in a cute voice)

I think the reason that we do this is because children look to parents for the seriousness of their accidents. If a parent looks upset/panicked, the child will become more upset. But, conversely, if the parent makes light of the fall, the child will recover quicker. At least, this is what I've noticed with my nephews. ^_^;;

So, for fun, here's some more common baby talk related to "Owies":

Do you have an owie/booboo? - Are you hurt?

I'll kiss it and make it better - Parents do this to kiss the hurt away.

Aren't you a brave boy/girl? - Praise for the child when he/she stops crying.

There's more, but those are the ones that I can think of off of the top of my head. あせあせ
Ameわーい(嬉しい顔) Welcome!Thanks for join us!

I looked up "owie" in a dictionary just now. And I like to do"Kiss" the hurt away and I often do it,but I said in Japanase like this.
「早く治るように お祈りの chu してあげるよ。」
Thanks for teach us!



文章を読むためには 辞書が必要な私です。
I need dictionary to read comment...(^^;)
I couldn't understand the mean "a tit for tat",sorry.
Is there any other way of saying of it?


I don't give a lots of snack and don't buy when he show me to wants.
He has a lots of toys. These were gifts from my friends)

私がNo というときはもらえないのを知ってます、諦めてるだけかも。
He knows no means no when I said so, or maybe he just gives up...

>>You know, someone's gonna have to play the authority figure, let it be me

母親が優しさを見せることと 甘やかすことは違う。

カワイイ我らの子供達のために 明日もまたがんばりましょうぞ。

If somebody hits you, you hit him/ her back, that's a tit for tat. You
may also use this phrase in other situation like:

(1) Somebody said something bad about you, you gave that person a tit
for tat, means you also told something bad about him/her.

(2) Your friend cheated you, you cheated him/her back, that's a tit for

Perhaps we may say it's like a revenge.



English for children 更新情報

English for childrenのメンバーはこんなコミュニティにも参加しています

