

★ACIM ア・コースインミラクル★コミュのレッスン197

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しかし 汝が贅沢な感謝と外部の感謝を見つけなければ 汝は再びそれらを攻撃するだろう。 
汝のギフトは名誉と共に受け取られなければならず 残りは身を引く。 
だから 汝は神のギフトが貸付金であることに感謝するのだ; 最悪 汝の防御をごまか

自分達の思考が出来ることを知らぬ者達により どれほど簡単に神と罪が混同されるであろうか。 
自身を飛躍として見るなら 鉄格子が汝の家となる。 
彼らに強さがあり、探し主張し、見つけ完全に認識するまで、 罪と救済が一つとして
自由と救済が融合して認識されると見られないまで 汝は刑務所の家を出て、強さを主張するのか。 

汝が世界に汝の幻想の解放を提供する時 世界は汝に感謝しなければならない。 
しかし 汝の感謝は自身への感謝でもある、その解放は汝自身を映すことしかできないのだから。 
それは 汝のギフトが名誉に値しないから、ギフトを取り下げることで元通りにするのだろうか? 
ギフトに名誉を与え、感謝を与えるのは汝なのだ、 ギフトを受け取ったのは汝なのだから。

汝のギフトを他人が価値の無いものと思うことは関係ない。 彼のマインドには汝に感謝
していて 汝と繋がる部分があるのだ。 
それらは 与えられるところで受け取られたのだ。 
汝の感謝の中 それらは世界的に受け入れられ、神自身の心によって感謝で承認されたのだ。 
神が感謝で受け入れたときに 汝はそれらを引き下げるのか?

というのは それは汝自身にのみ与えられることが出来るからだ。 
そして 神に属すものは神のものである。 
しかし 汝が赦し再び攻撃する間は、神のギフトが確かで 永久で 無変化で 無限で
永遠に放ち、 愛を増大し 汝に変わらぬ喜びを加えることには 決して気付かないのだ。

汝の与えたギフトを引き下げ、汝は 汝に与えられたことが 引き下げられたと考えるであろう。 
しかし 自身の外に見ていたと思う罪を赦しが持ち去るように学び、汝は神のギフトが
神が死に再び取り去る前の 暫しの間の借用であるとは決して考えないであろう。 


そして 汝はまだ神が汝を創造したときのままだ。 
それとも 汝の完全さの光を薄暗くさせるのか。
全ての感謝は汝に属す、なぜなら それが汝であるからだ。

それを受け取るたび 感謝せよ。 
そして この自己からは 誰も外に取り残されない。 
汝の考える全ては 彼の思考のみにしかなることが出来ず、聖なる神の思考である彼と共
神が汝に与えた役割を汝が忘れた時 汝自身が拒否した感謝を今得よ。 
しかし 彼が汝に感謝を捧げるのを辞めたことがあるなどとは 決して考えてはならない。


Lesson 197

It can be but my gratitude I earn.

Here is the second step we take to free your mind from the belief in outside
force pitted against your own.
You make attempts at kindness and forgiveness.
Yet you turn them to attack again, unless you find external gratitude and
lavish thanks.
Your gifts must be received with honor, lest they be withdrawn.
And so you think God's gifts are loans at best; at worst, deceptions which
would cheat you of defenses, to ensure that when He strikes He will not fail to

How easily are God and guilt confused by those who know not what their thoughts
can do.
Deny your strength, and weakness must become salvation to you.
See yourself as bound, and bars become your home.
Nor will you leave the prison house, or claim your strength, until guilt and
salvation are not seen as one, and freedom and salvation are perceived as
joined, with strength beside them, to be sought and claimed, and found and
fully recognized.

The world must thank you when you offer it release from your illusions.
Yet your thanks belong to you as well, for its release can only mirror yours.
Your gratitude is all your gifts require, that they be a lasting offering of a
thankful heart, released from hell forever.
Is it this you would undo by taking back your gifts, because they were not
It is you who honor them and give them fitting thanks, for it is you who have
received the gifts.

It does not matter if another thinks your gifts unworthy.
In his mind there is a part that joins with yours in thanking you.
It does not matter if your gifts seem lost and ineffectual.
They are received where they are given.
In your gratitude are they accepted universally, and thankfully acknowledged by
the Heart of God Himself.
And would you take them back, when He has gratefully accepted them?

God blesses every gift you give to Him, and every gift is given Him, because it
can be given only to yourself.
And what belongs to God must be His Own.
Yet you will never realize His gifts are sure, eternal, changeless, limitless,
forever giving out, extending love and adding to your never-ending joy while
you forgive but to attack again.

Withdraw the gifts you give, and you will think that what is given you has been
But learn to let forgiveness take away the sins you think you see outside
yourself, and you can never think the gifts of God are lent but for a little
while, before He snatches them away again in death.
For death will have no meaning for you then.

And with the end of this belief is fear forever over.
Thank your Self for this, for He is grateful only unto God, and He gives thanks
for you unto Himself.
To everyone who lives will Christ yet come, for everyone must live and move in
His Being in His Father is secure, because Their Will is One.
Their gratitude to all They have created has no end, for gratitude remains a
part of love.

Thanks be to you, the holy Son of God.
For as you were created, you contain all things within your Self.
And you are still as God created you. Nor can you dim the light of your
In your heart the Heart of God is laid.
He holds you dear, because you are Himself.
All gratitude belongs to you, because of what you are.

Give thanks as you receive it.
Be you free of all ingratitude to anyone who makes your Self complete.
And from this Self is no one left outside.
Give thanks for all the countless channels which extend this Self.
All that you do is given unto Him.
All that you think can only be His Thoughts, sharing with Him the holy Thoughts
of God.
Earn now the gratitude you have denied yourself when you forgot the function
God has given you.
But never think that He has ever ceased to offer thanks to you.



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