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To all of community
A world Nordic skiing meeting is held now in Sapporo,Hokkaido where I live in.
A player and people supporting come from various countries in the world.
Words of various countries fly. I will be happy if I can talk with these people fluently.
By the way, the relations of me and English conversation began in the end of March last year.
I informed it of EC by a commercial when I watched a TV tackle of Takeshi Kitano of The Asahi television in a certain evening.
I thought what purpose I tried to challenge it without in particular and applied.My english is very unpolished because I studied it at school 60 years ago.
I am asked what I study English conversation for from many young people. Even myself do not understand the reason.Surely I may prevent old man becoming senaile.
Any way,I thank and feel happy to be able to study with
many young people every day.
How happy we are that we can so easily communicate with young people through Internet.
In the very near future, we can communicate poeple around the world through Internet and English.
We can bring quite much information to our ancestors in heaven.
Shiro さんからお誘いを受けこのコミュニテイに参加させていただきました。
文法 熟語 新しい単語 覚えなくてはならないことがいっぱいあるのに覚えられないのが原因とは分かっているのですが・・・
致命傷ともいうべきこの問題を抱えながらそれでもけなげに頑張っている ”自分を褒めてやりたい"  これって有森選手のことばでしたね・・・
TO Mr shiro
Good morning,How are you getting along?
Thank you very much your kind information every day.
I had a big joy last night because our Japanese jumping
team won the prize of No,3. That's great honor of our
country,Don't you think so?
Any way, I'm very delight to know that our friends
of community are increasing gradually.
Really I feel this winter is very strange,and is influenced by global warming. We have a calm winter climate this season.
It is very warm at 16C. in day time here, in Sanda. I went to the volunteer for creating beautiful wood land. The buds of a kind of azalea(コバノミツバツツジ) are already swelling. The spring looks to be in a short range. They will bloom in the early April.
But in Hokkaidou, there has been a ski competition. Japan is a long elongated islands from north to south.
To Mr,Shiro
How are you today? Today it's dark winter weather.
But I feel a little the aproching of spring.
By the way, I am very funny man. I have easly interesting new gadgetry. That's Sony's Mylo,
How do you think about it? Whenever I use this Mixi,
It's cmmercial catch my eyes. Is it funny or strange?
Sorry, Misan, I am not familiar with Mylo.
What is that?
I heard the name Mylo as a kind of a milky drink in a long ago. Of cource, it is not that one, isn't it?
Honestly speaking, I am on the opposite side of you. I am not interested in such new gadgts, especially electic gadgets.
In my hobby, farming, I don't like using machines like a cultivator. I use just a hoe with my strong arms and hands. When I cut a tree, I like to use a handosaw not a chainsaw. You might say it is a different issue. OK, it could be.
To Mr,shiro
Thank you very much for your reply.I feel awfully sorry to have asked such a stupid question.Mylo is the new gadget released by Sony. This is new type of micro computer
and has much function,more than I-pod.But I don't know quite well.
I have totally forgotten that you are graet nature lover.I respect that you stick to your principle.
I'm very shamful to be worked by commercialism.
To Shiro
Good morning Shiro.today it's the girl's festival on March 3.But I haven't any daughter,so I have no celebration of Hinamaturi in my house.
Thank you very much always your kind care.I took this picture at the park near of my house last fall. My skill of camera is not so good, It's difficult to focus any object.
By the way,I talked about the election and vote of member of the Diet delegation with Mabel at her lesson. Especialy about the governor of April and member of the house of councilors,But such a talking is very difficult for my English speaking level. I want to improve early my skill of speaking like you.
Good morning, Misan. It is warm today, too. I am much the same as you because I have had no sisters and no daughters.
Mabel likes to discuss the politics and politicians who she wants to be. Generally speaking, Filipinos like to discuss politics and Japanese don't although philippine policy haven't done so well, unfortunately.
We, Japanese have had poor experience to discuss it in public evem in Japanese. That is why you felt difficult in talking it with Mabel. Familiar topiq to you like American Baseball intrigues you in excitement that adds more energy to you.
Anyway, it is happy for you and me to talk with young ladies even in English. Let us enjoy it.
To Shiro
First of all thanks for opening this "community"

To members
I've been a student at an English conversational school for around six years or so.
Learning English gives me chances to make friends with youngs or foreigners.Dialogues between them is a stimulus
to my life.
I'm really looking forward to meeting members on this
Tha's for now. YOROSHIKU
Hi Rockie
I also feel very happy to meet you and other menbers in this Mixi. English includes a lot of areas, so we can find so many intereting things through it. Having good tools as Internet and Mixi, good target as English and good freinds, we are very happy.
英語を勉強する目的は? 通訳?
Hello everybody in the community!
I just entered this community. Taking this opportunity,
I’d like to introduce myself as a gentleman has been
spend the long life.

My business is lightingand illumination. It is almost
end of April now and it is far to winter. But,I have to
start the preparation work for the winter illumination
now and will make the first presentation and proposal
to my client in May.

In order to get the order in the beginning of July. I
need the lead time about 3 months. From October,
I will start to installation work for the light-up day
in the beginning ofNovember. Those works are my
illumination work for the beautiful light-cape. light-up
ped trees, lighting object will catch your eyes almost
less than 2 months.

I will write more on next occasion. Thank you. Terry.
It is a very interesting job. And I am surprised that it needs so long period for preparation. It is a kind of festival without religion. Am I right?
One question coming to my mind is why people enjoy an illumination in winter. For a clean and clear air?
Good evening Shiro-san,
Thank you for your coment on my lines.
Illumination is very beatiful and it makes my and other
people's ,seeing it, heart very warm. You are right.
It's a festival without religion in Japanese illumination. In Europe, it's a religious event to selebrate the Christmas. In winter, alomost of our environment is so cold and we want to have samething warm. Illumination is light and it is warm and it makes happy feeling for us.





I expect you will produce a new topic in this community. Your new innovation will stir us vvery much.
大きくはばたきたい さん
Terry-san, Ookiku-habatakitai-san and all

How do you do?
I work for a small electronic company in Canada.
I have been in Canada for over 10 years but I feel
my English is dead end.

I am very happy to find pepole who are interested in
communicating in English.

It is very nice to know all of you here.

Thank you so much.



新しい人生を英語で遊ぶ 更新情報


