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中央公民館 10時〜12時 毎火曜日(月4回頻度は以下同じ)
庄内公民館 18持〜20時 毎水曜日
鯰田公民館 10時〜12持 毎木曜日
立岩公民館 10持〜12持 毎金曜日(3月12,19(13-15時)水、28日(金) )

I have four public English classes in Iizuka I'm responsible for.

I teach local residents in Iizuka and Chikuho as a volunteer.

I use some unique English versions of well-known songs:






Friends, please try and sing them.

If you are satisfied with any of them,

please use any of them in your own classes.


チューリップの歌で : 「咲いた。咲いた。チューリップの花が〜〜」

Look at them. Look at them.
How beautiful the tulips are!
Come out! Come out!
Red, White and Yellow.
Every one of the tulips is really beautiful.


チューリップの歌で : 「咲いた。咲いた。チューリップの花が〜〜」

Look at them. Look at them.
How beautiful the tulips are!
Come out! Come out!
Red, White and Yellow.
Every one of the tulips is really beautiful.


1)How beautiful the tulips are! と感嘆文を覚えて云える事。

2)Every one of the tulips is really beautiful. everyは単数扱いで、




Look at them. Look at them.
How beautiful the tulips are!
They've come out! Why don't you come out to see
Red, White and Yellow ones.
Every one of the tulips is really beautiful.

※come out とは、芽が出る、開花する、という事で、

咲いた、と あなたも表に出てきてごらん、を掛けています。

桃太郎 子供向け版 桃太郎さん、桃太郎さん、お腰につけた〜

Hello, Hello, Peach Boy!
You have delicious dumplings on.
Please give me, just one please/

Of course. Sure, I will.
If you follow me to Onigashima to
help me fight with demons.

※ 主語 have モノ on.モノを身に着けている。

※help me fight with demons.手助けをして、鬼との戦いを加勢をして。


桃太郎 大人向け版

Hello, Hello, Peach Boy!
I see you have some dumplings on.
May I have one, if you are okay!

Of course. Sure, I will.
If you follow me to Onigashima to
help me fight with demons.

※I see you have--、相手が動作をしているのがよくわかっている、


「雪の降る街を」 大人向け版

Let's walk in a snowing town!
Let's walk in a snowing town.

The snow reminds me of many happy things.

Let's walk in a snowing town.

How far in the sky are they falling from?

(或は/ I wonder how far in the sky they're falling from.)

Let's think well of it!, Let's welcome them!

After their long travel to us.

With our heart and smiles.

With our heart and smiles for ever!



Hello, How are you?

I'm fine, thank you.

Do you have any news, any good news?

I have a good news. Please listen to me.

( 以下、good news の内容)



Hello, How are you?

I'm fine, thank you.

Do you have any news, any good news?

It's very cold. It's February now.

Please take care, a good care of you.

Spring will come, Spring will come soon!




【筑豊英語学習ネットワーク】 更新情報


