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The name of the creature that all most Japanse suffered by is mosquitoes. Off course I hated that. we have various goods kill that, for instance, a moskite coil of spray kill them. Recently We have another electric weapon that produces the harmful air by heating special liquid. However, I don’t have because that is every expensive.

I have owned only mosquito coil. It emits smoke that kills mosquito. In addition that I prepare some cream that relieves my inflammation after biting mosquito. By the way, we have various kind of cream of liquid care of mosquito biting. One of them is very historical that is called KINKAN. Main material is ammonia that is in urine. According to Japanese traditional folklore, pee is very helpful in the treatment of insect bites.

In perspective, recently I feel that mosquito coil is not effective in killing mosquitos because even if I settle many coils, I have been bitten by mosquitos. On my attribution related to sleeping is I seldom wake up until morning code beginning to sleep. However, during this season I sometimes wake up because of itchy.

In addition mosquito, the cockroach has appeared. I bought some tool to exclude them. We have various tools to complete that mission. Spray, poison dumplings and special miniature house catching them. Anyway, i need to pay much money.

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