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‘We know things about her that no one should ever know,
or want to know, about a fellow being – the sight of her
flayed body, the weight of her severed thigh, the taste of
her burned, bone-punctured flesh, the charred crunch of her
fractured ribs, the flavor of her spilled marrow, the taste,
texture and flavor of every aspect of her despair, degradation
and defeat.

We know every detail of what we have forced her to be –
an object to consume and excrete. What we don’t know,
what we don’t want to know, is what we must know if we
are to restore our own humanity: who she is.

In the true spirit of respect – a word whose root means
‘to look back at one’ – we invite you to look at beings like her
with the moral courage and intellectual integrity to actually
SEE them.’

~ Joanna Lucas

These paragraphs or the statements I've found on FB.
The first paragraph urged me to click the button of anger,
but I thought it over when I saw no angry buttons clicked
by the others.

I then moved on to the second paragraph.
It suggests we humans and she or other animal and animals
share with; we do share fundamental feelings of comfort,
safety, peril, danger and other elements of life in general.
We shout for humanity, but humanity is enabled as long as
we breathe, intake things we can, and simply live and die
and not severely injured or killed.

The third paragraph echoes the very fact we must face
as humans.
In other words, we would be inhumane if we fail to see
what we share with other creatures.
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