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17th grass soup

We have a traditional event on 7th October. that is the event people eat specific soup that raw material is seven kind of glass. The reason why we eat such kind of soup is to resume our stomach that was broken because of overeating and overdrinking during new year times.

New year’s holidays is ordinary from 29th December to 3rd January, 6days. most of Japanese spend eating and sleeping during that time period. In the traditional family they make a specific lunch box before new year. which contents has wide variety and amount of them is huge. Then I can continue to eat that until end of new year’ holiday.

For these reason we need to refresh our eating habit and cure our stomach to ate grass soup. I forget the names of 7th kind of grass. But most grass are rare to eat daily life. My friend and I always have a eating grass soup on 7th January every year. However we could not have one latest new year because we were very busy. we are planning to have a similar party to eat grass soup on 14th this month.

Then we would like to eat the soup include 14 kind of grass because that date is not 7th but 14th. It may be difficult to look for such more kind of grass.

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