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I am なちゅこ

Do you know why I use this name for mixi?

It's because I hate 戸田奈津子 and her translations.

When I decided to start using mixi, I didn't think about the name seriously....and put the name....

Now, everyone I met through mixi calls me なちゅこ!

Kinda sarcastic...

Well.... If you think you can't come up with any topics, tell me how you decide your screen name!


Hi手(パー) my neme is hikaru my actualneme is so“チョットpretty"冷や汗

what's more my handlename …涙駄目だ出てこない上に勉強不足だあせあせ(飛び散る汗)もちっと勉強しないとな〜ウッシッシ

Hi, My nickname is "たっきー".
I need to speak in English. Because if I can't speak in English, I will be fired from company...

That's a nice try! 最初は一行から♪

That's scaryyyyy....Go for it!
I'm Eurasian.
Don't ask me why my name is Eurasian
because there is no reason.
I just entered the 8 letters EURASIAN when starting Mixi!

Never Mind.
I'll bet you gonna be a good English speaker.
You'll be able to find a new job quite easily.
Hi everyone,

I'm The・ワ.
The mixi name was from my family name and I've been called ざわ, since I was in high school.
I appreciate some of Love all members are interested in English.
Thanks なちゅ for building up this kind of community!

Oh.... Have you ever been abroad? or Do you have any English background?

Im impressed!

Heeeeey :)

I never called you ザワ though lol

oh right, cause we met in junior high!

I'm ギン.
My mixi name is not be related to my name at all.

I just like 銀星 who is member of WILDHALF...it's comics about animal.
In the online game or chat, I wanted to use my handle name 銀星, but it's a little difficult to type it.
So I use more short name...to call me more easily.

hehehe... I thought your "real" name was 銀之助 or 銀次.

うれしい顔 I will ask you your name in the near future :)



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