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 今回のテーマ(事前にPRできていませんでしたが)、参加者のお一方が準備してくださいました。「インターネットについて」でした。ディベートというのはいろいろな形があるのだなと思いました。今回は、題して「Let's talk about Internet!」というもの、数十項目の疑問の中から、自分の気になる話題を選んで、それについて議論する形。これは私には新鮮でしたが、これだけテーマがあると、なかなか歯ごたえありますね。以下内容。

Let's talk about Internet!

Pick a topic from the list and discuss it. You don't need to start with the first one and go down.

What are the sites you most commonly access?

What problems does the Internet create? What problems does it solve?

Do you think that surfing the Internet is addictive? How so?

How can the Internet help you learn English? Do you take advantage of this?

Do you access the Internet from your mobile phone?

What type of pages do you access with your phone?

Why do you need more than one e-mail address?

It is dangerous to meet people on the Internet? Would you like to go on a date with some you meet on the Internet?

Do you think governments have the right to censor the Internet?

Do you think the Internet is safe for children? Why?

Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? Why?

Why is it a good idea to have books and magazines published on the Internet?

Why should you be careful about giving out personal information to people that you meet in chart-rooms?

Give me a reason why you think that email is good way for people to communicate.

Many people download MP3 music without paying any money for it. Do you think that this is a problem?

Are old people disadvantaged by today's usage of the Internet? How?

When you b buy something on the Internet, trust is very important. Why?

Do you think that the Internet will replace Libraries?

Do you think that some people spend too much time on the Internet and does this stop them from seeing their friends? Why?

Do you think that online banking (being able to do most of your banking by the Internet and ATM machines) will become popular in all countries? What is disadvantage of this.

Is it better to buy online or to go to a shop? Why?

Have you ever sold personal items on the Internet (eg. Yahoo Auction.)?

Many Universities are now offering online courses. Give me some reasons why this is a good thing or a bad thing.

E-commerce (buying and selling things on the Internet) has become very popular. Give a reason for this?

Search engine are used to find information. Do you think that they always give you the best sites or do they give you sites that pay money in order to be on the top of the list?

What is copyright? How do we break copyright law on the Internet?

If you employ someone via the Internet, how do you check if the person is giving you truthful information?

In Japan, many young men lock themselves in their bedrooms, sometimes for years, to escape the pressure of study. They refuse to see people, but they still use the Internet and mobile phones. Do you think that this will happen in other countries?

How has the Internet changed society?

Do men and women use the Internet for different purposes?




 RONさんには大きくはっきり「カラオケ歌う時のように」とアドバイスをいただきましたが。出てこないものを大きく言うのは性格上難しいですね(汗 今後の課題。。TOEICとあわせて、それなりの刺激になりましたね。


 感じたことをそのまま書かせていただきました(汗 見直しもしていません。変換ミスあったらごめんなさい(オイ




Kyoto Phoenix Cross-Cultural Forum - December 2nd! , 2010

This was my second visit to the Phoenix Cross-Cultural Forum (third if I count their recent entertaining magic and hypnotism special event).
On this occasion, the topic of the Internet was introduced by Mr. Nagai and an extensive list of questions was provided, all dealing with the Internet and its effects on society. Participants were asked to select a question from the list to answer and explain their position on the issue. We enjoyed a large roundtable discussion before then separating into 3 smaller groups, as seems to be the current pattern for these events.

The Internet topic provided diverse language challenges as it forced everyone to express opinions on matters they had strong personal feelings about. As a native English speaker, it was interesting for me to observe learners of English struggling to express themselves and expand their communication abilities in much the same way I am challenged when I try to speak Japanese.

Events like these have helped me to realize that the mutual pursuit of language progression, even when persons are on the opposite end of ! the equation concerning which language they are learning, has been a very powerful force in the development of my friendships in Japan. My friends and I are joined by our shared objective to better communicate with each other and with more people in the world.

Dan Savage



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