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Just 100 days left till an “Unforgettable” WYD

The youth receive a warm welcome in Madrid and spend some unforgettable days
Madrid, May 6, 2011.- Just 100 days from this May 8, World Youth Day in Madrid will officially begin. From August 16th to 21st, the Spanish city will become the capital of the youth world.

Since July 2008, when Benedict XVI announced at the close of World Youth Day in Sydney that Madrid would host the next WYD, work has been underway for its preparation and is now entering the final stretch.

Up to now, more than 340,000 people in over 170 countries have registered.

2011 brought new life to the organization: "In January, we closed the planning stage in order to move into the implementation of plans made in accordance with the Holy See and the three public administrations involved. In order to dedicate the necessary time and effort to all the preparations, we split the 7 departments into 16 working areas and many people have joined us, most of them as full-time or part-time volunteers," said Yago de la Cierva, Executive Director of World Youth Day.

The main goal is that "youth receive a warm welcome in Madrid and spend some unforgettable days here,” assured De la Cierva.

The host countries of each WYD leave their own “mark”, as it were, on the event. As in the case of previous World Youth Days, "the style of a celebration is usually determined by its guests. Thus, the style of WYD 2011 will be determined by the youth which this year will range between ages 18 and 29, differing from those of WYD’s in the past or the future," De la Cierva stated. WYD in Spain will also reflect its unique style in that "from a contextual point of view, Spain’s culture and religious spirit will take precedence, as everything should be rooted in the past twenty centuries of Catholic tradition of our country, and from a schedule standpoint, perhaps it is evident in the many activities that will be taking place at night," concluded the Executive Director of World Youth Day.

World Youth Day is divided into three sections: main events, the cultural program, and the catecheses. Almost all the main events are presided by the Pope, except the Inaugural Mass on August 16th. On August 18th, there will be a Welcome Ceremony for His Holiness near Plaza de Cibeles. The next day, the WYD Stations of the Cross will be held at Paseo de Recoletos, where each Station will be represented by an image taken from the Spanish Holy Week processions. Finally, on the weekend, Cuatro Vientos Air Base will witness the celebration of the Youth Prayer Vigil and the Closing Mass.

The Holy Father will also hold smaller events with academics, women religious, seminarians, volunteers, the disabled, and the sick.

The WYD cultural program will occupy the streets and the various settings the Spanish capital has to offer. Madrid will be filled with over 300 activities related to culture. Museums like the Prado, Thyssen, and Reina Sofia will also host exhibits and displays on the occasion of World Youth Day.

The catecheses will take place between August 17th and 19th in over 200 churches in Madrid. Bishops from around the world will meet with young people attending World Youth Day.

As part of the preparations, this May 8th, a celebration will be held with host families and volunteers at the Madrid Arena. The event will be broadcast live on Channel 13tv at 11 am. The encounter will serve to inform and thank all the people who are making World Youth Day in Madrid this August possible.



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