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The Embassies in Madrid Give Their Support To WYD

Embassadors and representatives from 50 countries celebrated a work session at the WYD Headquaters to get to know first hand the program of activities planned for the August 2011 event and to discuss ways to collaborate.

Fr. Antonio Maria Roco Varela, Cardenal of Madrid, invited all the countries to participate “ in this event in which interest has grown tremendously in its 25 years of existente. The smooth relationship we have with the embassies will help us greatly in the preparation and development of WYD so that this event becomes a tremendous success.”

All those attending were eager to collaborate. Haiti, offered all their help, despite still feeling the consequences of the terrible earthquake. “We received so much generous help from the Spanish people that, on behalf of our country, I want to give our total support to WYD, “ assured Ms. Yolette Azor-Charles, Embassador of Haiti. We are already in contact with Haitian families living in Madrid so that they can offer housing to the youth coming.

Mr. Oscar Cabello, Embassador to Paraguay, pointed out that WYD “ is one of the few events that unite all youth, who are the future of the World. We hope that Latin America can host a WYD some time in the future,” he said.

The Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid and General Coordinator of WYD, Monignor Cesar Franco, motivated all the diplomatic representatives to organize activities, within the Youth Festival of WYD. “This is all about a very important day that is global, catholic and universal; and this should be reflected in the artistic and cultural presentations from all over the World”, he emphasized.

Santiago de la Cierva, Executive Director, expressed his hope that todays get together becomes a take off point and an invitation to help us organize this World meeting for the youth, so that for the new generation, it not only becomes a reflection of Spain but of all the participating countries as well.

Approximately one third (1/3) of the WYD participants will come from outsider Spain. So far, over 150,000 youth from more than 100 countries will be attending. Up to this day, the largests groups are coming from: France (43,443), Italy (30,921), Germany (12,154), USA (11,417), Croatia (5,650), Portugal (5,106), Mexico (4,811), Poland (4,740), Belgium (3,040), Canada (2, 092).

Other countries with more than 1000 participants are: Australia, Brasil, Columbia, Honduras, Holland, Great Britain, Chech Republic, Dominican Republic, Switzerland, Ucrania and Venezuela.





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