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      Module 1
      Plane Coordinate Geometry

★What this module is about

This module will explain to you the relationship among line on the plane. This will also tell you about intersecting lines, non-intersecting lines, characteristics of parallel lines and perpendicular line. Further more, this will tell you how to determine the intersection of two lines if there is any.

★What you are expected to learn

This module will help you
1, Determine the point of intersection of two line
2, Compute for the coordinates of the intersection of two lines.
3, Determine without graphing if the given lines are parallel, perpendicular or neither.
4, Define algebraically parallel and perpendicular lines.

★How much do you know

Given each pair of lines, determine if they are a) intersecting but not perpendicular, b) perpendicular and c) parallel

1. y= 3x - 7
y= 3x + 1

2. 2x + 3y = 5
3x - 2y = 9

3. x + 2y = 9
4x + 3y = 1

4. 3x - 2y = 3
3x + 5y = 14

5. 2x - 4y = 1
4x - 8y = 7

6. The slopes of parallel lines are ________________.

7. What is the slope of the line parallel to 2x + 4y -3 = 0?

8. What is the slope of the line perpendicular to x -6y +5 = 0?

9. Write equation of the line parallel to 5x + 8y = 7 and passing through (2, 4).

10. At what point do the line 3x - y = 7 and 5x + y = 9 intersect?

★What you will do

    Lesson 1
    Intersection of Two Lines

Lines on the plane can either intersect or not. If two lines intersect, then there is a common point between them. That common point is where the two lines intersect. In a plane, this point has two coordinates, the x and y coordinates. The coordinates of the intersection can be solved algebraically. In second year algebra, you are taught how to solve systems of linear equations. That knowledge will help you a lot in understanding this session. Since every equation of the line assumes the general form ax + by + c = o, to get the intersection of two lines, you solve for the value of x and y common to both equations.

To solve for the value of x and y algebraically, there are methods that can be used. The following steps can help you in solving systems of linear equations.

1, Eliminate one variable by using
a. addition or subtraction
b. finding the value of one variable in terms of the other variable.
2, Solve for the value of the other variable
3, Substitute the computed value of one variable on either of the two equations to solve for the value of the remaining variable.


1, Find the point of intersection of the lines whose equations are 3x - y = 10 and 5x + y = 14.

To find the intersection of the two lines, solve the system by eliminating one variable through addition. Add the similar terms of the first equation to that of the second equation.

Equation 1 3x - y = 10
Equation 2 5x + y = 14
Add 8x + 0 = 24
8x = 24
x = 3

Then replace x with 3 in either Equation 1 or Equation 2

Equation 1 3x - y = 10
3(3) - y = 10
9 - y = 10
- y = -1
y = 1

Therefore the point of intersection of the two lines is ( 3, -1 )

2. Find the point of intersection of the two lines whose equations are x + 2y = 4 and 3x + 5y = -21.


Another method of eliminating one variable is through substitution. You get the value of one variable in terms of the other variable.

Equation 1 x + 2y = 4
Equation 2 3x - 5y = -21

Using Equation 1, solve for x in terms of y

x + 2y = 4
x = 4 - 2y

Using Equation 2, replace x with 4 - 2y

Equation 2 3x - 5y = -21
3(4 - 2y) - 5y = -21
- 11y = -21 - 12
-11y = - 33
y = 3

Then replace y with 3 on either Equation 1 or Equation 2 to solve for the value of x.

Equation 1 x + 2y = 4
x + 2(3) = 4
x + 6 = 4
x = -2

So the intersection of the two lines is the point whose coordinates are ( -2, 3 ).

3. At what point do the lines 3x + 2y = 12 and 4x - 3y = -1 intersect?

To eliminate a variable in this example, first find equivalent equations with equal but opposite coefficient in x or in y by multiplying one or both equations by a number factor.

Equation 1 3x + 2y = 12
Equation 2 4x - 3y = -1

3(3x + 2y) = 3(12) >>> 9x + 6y = 36

2(4x - 3y) = 2(-1) >>> 8x - 6y = -2

Add Equation 1 and 2 17x + 0 = 34
7x = 34
x = 2

Then replace x with 2 in either Equation 1 or 2

Equation 1 3x + 2y = 12
3(2) + 2y = 12
6 + 2y = 12
2y = 6
y = 3

Therefore, the point of intersection is (2, 3).

Example 4. Find the point of intersection of the lines y = 2x - 2 and y - 2x = 1.

Solution: Using any of the previous methods, solve the system of equations.

Equation 1 y = 2x - 2
Equation 2 y - 2x = 1

Using Equation 1, solve for y in terms of x

y = 2x -2

Replace y by 2x - 2 in the second equation.
(2x - 2) - 2x = 1
2x - 2 - 2x = 1
-2 = 1 , this is a false statement.

Solving the system led to a false statement. Therefore the system is inconsistent and has no solution. So the lines do not intersect. There is a way of determining whether the two lines intersect or not. The following theorem can be used to determine if two lines intersect or not.

Theorem: If two non-vertical lines intersect, then their slopes are not equal.
This theorem can be verified as follows.


Let A, B and C be three distinct points on a plane. By line determination postulate, line AB and line AC can be constructed with A ans a common point or point of intersection.

Get the slopes of the two line.

For line AB, the slope

m1 = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

For line AC, the slope
m2 = (y3 - y1)/(x3 - x1)

Since the numerators and denominators in the two fractions are different, then the two slopes are not equal. Thus

m1 is not equal to m2

The converse of the theorem, "If two non-vertical lines have different slopes, then the lines are intersection," is also true.


(語彙) 上記説明文に使われている用語のいくつかについて和訳を添えます。

parallel :平行な
slope:(グラフの)傾き (y=ax + bの a のこと)
coordinates:座標(x, y)


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5. Without graphing, show that 5x - y = 7 and 3x + 2y = 4 are intersecting lines.

Solution: Transform each equation to slope-intersept form.

Equation 1 5x - y = 7
-y = -5x + 7
y = 5x -7
slope(m1) = 5

Equation 2 3x + 2y = 4
2y = -3x + 4
y = -(3/2)x + 2
slope(m2)= -(3/2)

Since m1 is not equal to m2, then the two lines are intersecting.

Try this out

A. Without graphing, show that the following pairs of lines are intersecting.

1, y = 3x - 4
y = x + 7

2. y = 1/2x - 4
y = 3/2x + 6

3. x + 4y = 3
2x + y = 7

4. 2x - y = 8
2x + y = 7

5. 3x - 5y = 4
x + y = 4

B. Find the intersection of the following pairs of lines.

1. 3x - 4y = 1
3x + y = -4

2. x + 5y = 13
2x - y = -7

3. x - 6y = 11
3x + 3y = 12

4. 2x - 5y = -7
3x + 2y = 18

5. 3x + 7y = -15
2x + 6y = -10

Lesson 2

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

In the previous lesson, there was an example in which the solution of the system of equations led to a false statement. This showed that the two lines do not intersect. In a plane, if two lines do not intersect, then they are parallel.

Let us consider the given in example 4.

Equation 1 y = 2x -2
Equation 2 y - 2x = 1

If we graph the two line on the same set of axes, they will look like this.


The graphs showed that the two lne are parallel. Without graphing, you can also determine if the lines are parallel or if they intersect. The following theorem can be used to prove that two lines are parallel.

Theorem: If two non-vertical lines are parallel, then the slopes are equal. The converse of this theorem is also true.

Converse theorem: If two lines which are not coincident have the same slope, then the lines are parallel.

Consider the given lines above. To prove that they are parallel, their slopes must be equal, transform the equations into y-form or slope-intercept form.

Equation 1 y = 2x -2

The equation is already in y-form.
slope(m1) = -2

Equation 2 y - 2x + 1
Again, transform to slope-intercept form.
y = -2x + 1
slope(m2) = -2

You can see that m1 = m2. Therefore, the two lines are parallel.

The slope of horizontal line is zero(0), thus all horizontal lines are parallel to each other. Slope of vertical line is undefined and so all vertical lines are also parallel to each other.

In a plane, some lines are parallel, and others are intersecting. Intersecting line may be perpendicular or not. The next theorem will help you determine if the pair of lines is perpendicular or not.

Theorem: If two non-vertical lines are perpendicular, then their slopes are negative reciprocals.


1. Show that the lines whose equations are x3 + y = 4 and x - 3y = 7 are perpendicular.


Equation 1 3x + y = 4

Transform to slope-intercept form

y = -3x + 4
slope(m1) = -3

Equation 2 x - 3y = 7

Transform to slope-intercept form
-3y = -x + 7
y = (-1)/-3x + 7/(-3)
y = (1/3)x - 7/3

slope(m2) = 1/3

Comparing their slopes, it is obvious that they are negative reciprocal of each other. Hence, we can conclude that the two lines are perpendicular.

2. Determine which pairs of lines are parallel, perpendicular or just intersecting.

a. Line 1 5x - 2y = 7
b. Line 2 2x + 5y = 4
c. Line 3 4x + 10y = 6
d. Line 4 3x + y = 5
e. Line 5 x - 3y = 6
f. Line 6 2x + 6y = 1


Transform each equation to slope-intercept form

a. 5x - 2y = 7
-2y = 5x + 7
y = [(-5)/(-2)]x + 7/(-2)
m1 = 5/2

b. 2x + 5y = 4
5y = -2x + 4
y = [ (-2)/5 ]x + 4/5
m2 = -(2/5)

c. 4x + 10y = 6
10y = -4x + 6
y = [(-4)/10]x + 6/10
y = -(2/5)x + 3/5
m3 = -(2/5)

d. 3x + y = 5
y = -3x + 5
m4 = -3

e. x - 3y = 6
-3y = -x + 6
y = (-x/-3) + 6/(-3)
y = (1/3)x - 2
m5 = 1/3

f. 2x + 6y = 1
6y = -2x + 1
y = [(-2)/6]x + 1/6
y = -(1/3)x + 1/6
m6 = -(1/3)

By comparing the computed slopes, you can determine the relationship of a line with the other lines.

Since the slopes of line 1 and line 2 are negative reciprocals, then line 1 is perpendicular to line 2. Line 1 and line 3 are also perpendicular to each other since their slopes are negative reciprocals. The slopes of line 2 and line 3 are equal so line 2 is parallel to line 3. The slopes of line 4 and line 5 are also negative reciprocals so these line are also perpendicular. On the other hand, other pairs of lines like line 4 and line 6, line 5 and line 6 are just intersecting lines since their slopes are not equal. The summary of the relationship between each pair of lines is given below.

(Table 01)

Keywords in Msg 8

parallel : 平行な
perpendicular :垂直な
system of equations :連立方程式
statement :式 (等式になっていないもの)
slope:傾き( y = ax + b のaの値)
y-form / slope-intercept-form (y = ax + b のように yについて解かれた式)
毎度参考になりますm(_ _)m とても有り難いです。



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