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What is expected of a background performer
IF YOU ARE A NEW BG Performer or experienced please read the following information before registering on CASTBG for what is expected of you
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUCCEED: To be a BG Performer it is easier for your agent to book you if you have email, cell phone, a great wardrobe and transportation. However, if you need to take transit to get around that is ok too.
BEING A BACKGROUND PERFORMER on Feature Films, TV shows and MOW'S can be a very exciting and fun job. Even though this job is a fun one, there are expectations of you that you must meet in order to work on set. Background work is still a Job and you must treat it like one.
REGISTER AN EMAIL ADDRESS: In order to be registered on CASTBG you must have an email address. This will be your user name to enter your site on CASTBG. If you do not have an email, please register one. You can use www.Yahoo.com , www.Hotmail.com , www.MSN.com or www.gmail.com or any other serviced you wish.
DIFFERENT MEMBERSHIPS: When you register you will be registered as a FREE member on CASTBG. If you want to upgrade your profile, add extra photos, add extreme video, submit yourself for work then you would upgrade to a user fee membership.
IF YOU ARE A NEW BACKGROUND PERFORMER LOOKING FOR AN AGENT: Register yourself on CASTBG and then request agents to look at your profile once you have uploaded all your information and your photos. You can choose which Background Agencies you send your profile to. The Agency will then be able to view your online profile and contact you for an interview possibly. Once they decide to represent you for work, with one touch of a button they can upload your profile into their Agency roster. Make sure your site is filled in properly. The more information you give the easier for an agent to make the decision to represent you and get you working. Help us help you.
CASTBG is a site for professional BG Performers and their agents to streamline their job and make booking you for work in movies an easier process. To use this site, more is expected of you as a BG Performer. We will cover these points below, so if you are new or experienced, it will give you an overview of this site and how it works and what your Agent's expectations are.
HOW TO GET MORE BOOKINGS: All the information you supply about yourself is entered into a smart search engine. So the more you tell us, the more times you will appear in the searches and be submitted for specific bookings. So the more you tell us about yourself the easier it is for your Agent and Casting to book you for work. Also, if you have a cell phone, and you have good availability, this will keep you in better contact with your agent. The film industry moves very fast, so the more accessible you are the better. Once your agent knows you are quick to respond, most likely they will call you first for bookings. If you are difficult to get hold of, you won't get as many calls.
PERSONAL INFORMATION: First you must register yourself on CASTBG, enter all your information, your wardrobe, special skill, your occupations, languages, performance skills and more, we will walk you through as you enter the site. Think of CASTBG as a FACEBOOK for Extras. The more you tell us about you the easier your agent and casting can book you for work. Help us help you.
WARDROBE INFORMATION: In the movies they shoot different seasons, so you will be told which season the scene will be when you are booked. Your agent could ask you to bring winter, summer, spring or fall time wardrobe. Always bring 3 full changes of wardrobe with you to set and always come dressed in your first best option and bring 2 other full changes with you. Your clothes should be hanging in a garment bag or folded neatly in a suitcase of some kind. Do not bring your wardrobe crumpled up and wrinkled to set and make sure your clothes are clean unless otherwise specified. Your outfit should contain different shirts, pants or skirts, shoes, jackets, accessories or props to match the outfits. Again 3 full changes, 3 changes of clothes, 3 pairs of shoes to match your different outfits, and 3 coats and or jackets to match as well. Arrive at work prepared for any weather conditions. Always bring an umbrella and a warm up coat with you. Sometimes the costume department may give you something to wear in a scene. Please remember that you are responsible for this wardrobe and make sure to hand in back in to wardrobe before you leave set. Do not change your appearance once the costume, hair and make-up departments have approved you.
ACCESSORIES AND PROPS: When you are booked for work you will need to bring accessories and props. Depending on the scene, will depend on what you bring. If you are a business man or woman you would bring a briefcase or attaché of some kind, if you are a passerby on the street, you would have bags or purses, or a student would bring a backpack, book bag, and walkman. Make sure your props and accessories match your scene and your outfits. Other accessories could be jewelry, scarves, hats, gloves. Be creative with your looks. The more helpful you are with wardrobe, the more casting and the wardrobe department on set will appreciate you. Sometimes the prop department will give you a prop to carry in a scene. You are responsible for these items at all times, please make sure you do not leave them unattended and hand them in back to props at the end of your booking.
VEHICLES: If productions rent your vehicle make sure you come to set with at least a ½ a tank of gas and carry your drivers license with you at all times.
HAIR AND MAKE UP: Women should always come with your hair and make up done (set ready) and bring your make up kits and hair brush and accessories in your set bag for touch ups throughout the day. Men should always arrive to set clean shaven and well groomed unless otherwise specified. Men should also bring your hair products and razor in your set bag.
RATES OF PAY: A general non union Background Performer is paid approximately $10 hr., union performers make approximately $20 hr and a SSE (special skills) performer makes approximately $28 per hour. For exact rates please refer to the UBCP website at www.ubcp.com
EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENT ROLLS OR JOBS: You could be booked as a police officer, military, RN Nurse, Dr., lawyer, parent or many other rolls. Some of these jobs require experience in a specific field. For instance if you are booked as an RN Nurse, we would book you for this job because you have experience in this position. You have trained for this or you work as an RN, you must be able to perform this roll as you would in a hospital. For this you would be paid a SSE Rate. For being a military person, you would need to be the right sizes to fit the uniforms, and to fire modified weapon on set you need firearms experience and training on handling a firearm. If you are a military person you would most likely be paid a non union rate unless you fired the weapon, which would then be a SSE rate. If you are an audience member in the stands at a baseball game you are just part of the crowd and this type of job would pay regular non union rate.
* PHOTO DOUBLE – to book as a photo double you must be the same sizes as the actor, or person that is being doubled, same hair color and length and same facial features. Photo double are paid a union rate.
* STAND IN – Is also known as second team, you stand in place of the actor to set up different shots for lighting. You must be a union member to be a stand in.
AGENT FEES: To find you work, your agent charges 15% of your gross pay plus GST. They will also charge a government regulated photo fee of $25 per year. Some agents may have lower agent fees however 15% is the standard rate in the city.
FREELANCE BACKGROUND PERFORMER: If you are a self represented background performer and you are a union member, you would call the union hotline and give your availability for the week. If you are a non union performer you would know the casting director personally to get booked or you would send your headshot and resume to the production office attention the casting director. However, you have more chance of being booked if you are new with an agent working on your behalf.
ONLINE CALANDER: Make sure you fill in your availability calendar. Tell us the days you are available for work and which days you are not. By doing this, your agent and casting know when to book you and when not to. Your availability will come up in an online availability hot sheet for your agent and casting as an instant reference on who is available on which day. Again, help us help you.
YOUR AGENT: You as a BG Performer have hired your agent to find you work on set. Their job is to help you find work in the movies. When you hire your agent your job is to let your agent know when to book you for work, what days you are available and which you are not. Your agent will then try and find you work for that day. If your agent calls you for work, they expect you to be available if that is what your availability calendar says. If you change your schedule and you are no longer available for work you must update your online calendar as soon as you can so your agent and casting know not to book you work for that day.
WHEN YOUR AGENT CALLS YOU: Return your agent's message promptly; even if you are not available for work, your agent and casting will appreciate your answer quickly so they can move on. You then must confirm or regret your availability for the job. If you are not sure, do not accept the booking. Tell your agent that you need to check your availability first and you will call them shortly. Try and get back to them with your answer as quickly as possible. Again try and be proactive and know your availability and keep your availability calendar up to date. Please use your online calendar as your Day-Timer; let us know your availability always. Your agent does not want to feel as though they are wasting their time. If your online calendar says you are available, and they call you, they will expect you to be available.
ONCE YOU CONFIRM YOUR AVAILABILITY FOR A JOB: Once you confirm your availability for a date, your agent will tell you about the job, what the scene is, what type of wardrobe you will need, location of the job, if it is a day shoot or a night shoot, and any specifics about the scene that you must know. Once you have the information you need about the scene you can then accept confirm or regret your booking once you consider all details and make sure you can meet all requirements.
ACCEPTING THE BOOKING: When you are booked to work a day on a film set you must keep the entire day and night clear of any other obligations. A production will often shoot 12 hours or longer and you must be available for as long as they need you. Do not accept a booking unless you are absolutely sure you can commit for the entire duration of the day or night.
CALLTIMES: Productions usually start around 6 or 7 am however, sometime can start earlier. Most productions shoot during the week Monday to Friday and sometimes on the weekends. If you are booked for a night shoot you must be prepared to work through the night and into the morning hours. At times you can work until 7 am or later.
KEEP YOUR PHOTOS UPDATED: Agents and Casting book you based on the way you look in your photo, so if you change your appearance, please let us know immediately by updating your profile with your new information and new photographs of yourself. For example if you change your hair style or color.
TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM SET: Is your responsibility so if you are a Background Performer who does not own or have access to a vehicle do not accept a booking unless you are 100% sure you can get yourself to set. Or ask your agent when they are booking you if there is a carpool going from your area. If you take transit to and from set, please make sure you check with transit the route and earliest arrival time before accepting the booking. You can reach transit information at 604-953-3333
PARKING: If you are a non union performer parking is your responsibility unless other wise specified. If you are a union member parking will be provided. If you are Non union or union please make sure to arrive at least ½ hr before your call time to find parking and get checked into set with your Wrangler by your call time.
MAPS: Carry a map in your vehicle at all times incase you are lost; even if you are on transit it is good to have a map in your set bag to refer to. If you are lost then call your agent for help getting to set.


YOUR CALLTIME INFORMATION: Your agent will call you between 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm to give you your call time information the night before you scheduled shoot day. Your agent will first email you your information. Please make sure you are looking for this information when you know you are working the next day as it is easier for you and your agent to confirm all details if you familiarize yourself with the information prior to your agent contacting you. You may also confirm your availability in your online calendar, your email or text once you and your agent have determined that level of trust. If it is 11 pm at night and you still do not have your call time for your booking the next day, you must call your agents after hours contact numbers. Again, your call time information will consist of your call time (time to be on set), your location, and your wardrobe, who to check in with and where, maps will usually be included in the email, and any other information needed. Please remember that once you have booked yourself on a production we ask that you fulfill your commitment. It is very difficult to replace you late at night, and your agent and casting do not appreciate or accept this work ethic.
GOING TO SET: When you are on your way to set make sure you map out your route if you are driving, so you know where you are going before you leave for your destination as, we do not want you arriving on set late. However if you are going to be late for set you must contact your agent before you are late and let them know. Your agent will want to know where you are no matter what time it is, we need to hear from you even if you will be 5 minutes late. Your agent does not want to receive a call from the casting director telling them you are late. Your agent will then have to track you down to see where you are. Again, be professional and on top on your game by being on time, and if you are late, be responsible and pro active, and let your agent know you are late so they can call casting.
WORKING ON SET ALWAYS BE ON TIME FOR WORK! If you ever think you might be late please contact your agent immediately. By doing this you let your agent know that you are on your way and also saves them time trying to track you down.
ARRIVING ON SET AND YOUR PAY VOUCHER: Once you arrive on set, you must first report directly to your contact person or your extras wrangler Your Wrangler, will give you a pay voucher or time sheet to fill out, and a residency form. Make sure you fill out these forms properly, failing to do so will result in you not being paid on time. Always make sure you have a pen, your Social Insurance number (SIN) your mailing address and postal code, make sure to put your agency on your voucher, and check the box that says mail check to agent. Your check will usually be ready for pick up within about 2 weeks at your agency. If you are a minor or teenager please inform us if you do not have a Social Insurance number yet. You can put in your date of birth in replace of your social insurance number and in brackets write MINOR beside your birth date.
WORK PERMITS: If you are a Background Performer who is from another country, you must have a valid work permit and social insurance number in order to work on set. You must bring a copy of it with you to each different movie you work on. You can also upload these documents to your secured CASTBG webpage. Only you and your agent will be able to see your documents. Your agent can then send your documentation to the accounting departments on your behalf or you can print these documents and hand them in to set when you arrive on each job you do.
RESIDENCY INFORMATION FOR CANADIAN BACK GROUND PERFORMERS: With all the new legislation in BC, you as background performers must supply residency information on American Productions so that the production can qualify for the BC Tax Credits. The documentation you need to supply is a Notice of Assessment from your last tax return, or if you do not have this, you must supply a government issued ID, such as BCID, BCDL, Passport and 2 copies of utility bills that show your address. You may also have these documents posted online on your secured webpage so that your agent can forward it to the accounting office of each production you work on, or you can print them and take to set each time you check in.
ARRIVE SET READY: make sure you arrive dressed your first change of wardrobe, with your hair and make up done if you are a female, and clean shaven if you are a male unless otherwise requested differently. You always bring 2 extra changes of clothes with you either hanging in a garment bag or folded neatly in a roller suitcase as we do not want wrinkled wardrobe arriving on set. Again 3 full changes of clothes consists of Jackets or coats, pants, slacks, skirts, blouses, sweaters, shoes and accessories and props if needed. Your agent will always tell you the colors and season that the scene is. For example, winter, spring, summer, fall wardrobe, different color pallets, etc. In general you never wear Red, White or really bring colors, and of course no Logos.
EXTRAS HOLDING: is the designated area where Background Performers wait until they are required on set. Never leave extras holding as you may be needed at any moment. If you need to use the facilities or get a coffee, please inform your extras wrangler prior to leaving.
CRAFT SERVICE: Light snacks and beverages are provided during the work day. This is called craft service. Due to different budgets there is often one craft service table for crew members and another for Background Performers. Please do not eat from the crew member's craft service table.
LUNCH: A light lunch is provided and generally served six hours after the crew has started working. The lunch is not served during a typical lunch hour, so if you have any special dietary needs you may want to bring your own snacks or meal.
GETTING DIRECTION FROM THE AD: Once you go to set the A.D.s will tell you your movement or blocking for a scene. You must remember this as you will need to repeat this exact match movement for different camera angle shots. This is called continuity. It is important that you remember exactly what you did and how you looked in each scene. Most productions will rehearse the movements or blocking of a scene several times prior to filming. When the director feels ready to shoot, you will hear the following prompts or terms.
* The 1st A.D. will call out "roll sound" to initiate sound recording.
* Next, the sound department will call out "sound speed" to confirm that they are recording sound.
* After that, the camera department will sync the film and sound using the time slate or clapper. They may also call out "frame" to confirm that they are filming.
* Then the 1st A.D. will call out "background action" to cue the Background Performers to begin their movement.
* Lastly, the director will call out "action" to cue the actors
* Once the scene is completed the director will call "cut". It is very important that you continue the action you have been given until you have heard the director call "cut".
* Once a shot is completed and the director has called "cut" the A.D.s may ask you to go to your "first marks" or return "back to one". This means you must return to your beginning position and prepare to shoot the scene again.
DO NOT TALK WHILE ON SET: Always be sure to listen carefully to any direction you are given., and never look at the camera
CAMERAS OR VIDEO ON SET: Still photos or video photography by Background Performers not permitted on set.
NO CONTACT: Please do not request autographs from actors, and do not approach the actors for conversation unless they ask you a question first.
NEVER LEAVE SET: unless you are directed to do so by an A.D. you must remain on set. And when instructed to leave set please go directly to extras holding and wait for your next instructions.
NEVER LEAVE WORK UNTIL YOU ARE WRAPPED: Once instructed you can leave for the day, and remember you must first sign out in order to be paid.
KEEP A WORK JOURNAL: of all your bookings, please record your work dates, hours and pay rates each time you work.
WHEN YOU LEAVE SET: please ensure you take your entire belongings home with you. Anything that is left at the end of the day is sent to the production office "lost and found". If you forget something please contact the production office directly. Productions are not responsible for lost or stolen items so please keep track of your belongings.
ILLNESS ON SET: Report any injuries or illnesses immediately to your extras wrangler.
WAITING FOR YOUR CALL TO SET: Waiting for your call to set is typical, you may wait for hours at times. Please feel free to bring a book, walkman, cards or some other form of quiet entertainment with you. Sleeping at work is generally a no no.
KEEP YOUR VALUABLES ON YOU AT ALL TIMES. Never bring large amounts of money expensive jewelry with you to set. Productions are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF: Please keep your area clean, and always through out your garbage in bins provided on set.
SMOKING: If you are a smoker, please only smoke in designated areas provided.



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