

Enjoy EnglishコミュのPregnant man gives birth

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I saw an article in the newspaper the other day about a man in the US who gave birth to a baby girl. He is legally male, but had been born as a female. He had some chest reconstruction surgery and testosterone therapy, but had decided to keep his female reproductive organs, so he was still able to give birth.
You can see a picture here:
I found this case very surprising. Gender identity disorder is now recognised in many countries. The person feels that they have been born into the wrong body, and they wish to live as a member of the other sex. They may have operations to change their gender.
He is married to a woman, but she can’t have children, so he decided to give birth himself.
There are various issues connected with this case. What do you think?


Thanks for your thoughtful comment, くんみ. It seems that Thomas chose to be a man, but he wanted to keep his female organs. In a way, he appears as a man on the outside, but is a woman on the inside.

I suppose we must try not to think that there are only two categories of people (men and women), and think of people as a spectrum of sex/gender. Some people will be very male or very female, but between there are a whole range of different types of people, in the same way as there are many shades of skin colour.

I can understand Thomas's feeling that he wanted to have children. I wondered about whether his hormone treatment would affect the baby.



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