

レボリューション英会話コミュのFamous Teachers?

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Hey everyone, hows it going?

Just thought I'd write a post to let you know that if you happen to read "Aera English" this month, you might see TWO Revolution teachers in there this month, rather than the usual one. It's just a shame they spelled his name wrongly! (笑う)

I'm still waiting to hear when they are going to do my fashion modelling photo shoot...maybe next month ('.')


I didn't know 2 of you guys are in it. I will definitely take a look.

I guess i will continue reading it since there will be Matt's fashion modelling photo shoot.

Miwa(just in case you wonder)
Ah finally, somebody started to to talk in the community.
Ritz interview, right?
Wanna see it when I come back to Tokyo.
They spelled your name wrongly? How?
hahahaha, matto san you are too hyper masuculine for fashion magazines.
No, it's not the Ritz interview, and its not me. (?_?)

As i said, I'm still waiting for my photo shoot - its really strange, but they havent returned my phone calls.....

And didnt you know, Yumi? Hyper-masculinity is 'in' this season

*flexes muscles*

*flexes male brain*
Ah, I see, another conna..oops, french word, another great teacher's interview. Looking forward to seeing it, anyway.

Flexes Muscles? Really? Strange, My ex didnt talk about that.
Maybe it's just on your planet, isn't it?
Which one are you from? planet of the Apes? or Neandelrthal?
Instead of waiting for your model shoot, maybe you should try to contact some agency in Holly Wood.
You can start your new career as an actor IN A SECOND without special make-up!!!!!!
Do you want to me to do that? Ill be your press attache! You will definetly be our new star of the earth!!!!



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