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i have been already elder. I have no idea how old is called as an elder but in my prospective persons whose age are over 30years old could be told" hey elder". according that theory, of course I am elder.

I recently have recognised that the definition is true through I have been studying English. I have been preparing the English test for a long time, more over 4years, so long. however the score of these has not increased, but decreased. the exterminate example is that the first test score for me has been the my best score. That is a good proof that I have been degenerating.

that phenamenon is not only in pricate life but also dring working. in fact I became tend to forget something to keep my mind. for instance I am frequently late for apointment. speak to special. I could not reach the venue of an important ceremony on time. the ceremony was that local office governer paticipated in. that may harm a confidence of not only indiviaual but also our company. that was serious problem.

anyway that has been dissapointing me.

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