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i mentioned that i have been studying English for long time but my english did not well and recentory the most serously problem are in the mental teritory that mean I lose my motivation to learn English, Solutions i have went up whith are follwings. First of all I generate my passiotn, desire to want to develop my English capability. The way I get to resolve are remenber a feeling i decided to and started stading. In addition image myself I achieve my self when I achieve my goarl. These are very helpfull rainforce my emotion.

Secondly, i have to change my situation to be fun. ordinarly stdying is very painful because of long time restriction if i would like to do other fun things. If i eliminate such abony i make my studying situaiton change in to fun.preasant of comfpotable. the methods are change change inviroment and acitivities. First is for instance clean my room where I usually studying, stading at comfortable place not only my room, eating yummy sweets during break. About second one I adoupt enjoiable method to learn for instance waching English movies, singing English songs and so on.

I hope those takes care of every things. Anyway I have to do it.
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