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I organaized old picttures in my PC's HD and recognize I have be fat. Some pictures are taken over 10 years ago and I lookes very sulim in that time. accturary my weight has been gaining more 10kilograms in the passed 10years and I detamined that I have to lose waight again. That desition has been 3 times this year.

I tried to exercise many timea but I did not penetrate. Deteail contents of exercise are forinstance running, mastle training and so on, but I gave up for almost case. I think that that is problem about not fisucal but mental. that meen I have to rainforce maind before strengthing. that is the my the most weakest pont not anly going on dient but also almost of all problems for me.

I should shape and polish my mind, heart, mental or miserable life but the good way to develop mental skill is deeling with exercise in my oppinion.

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