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useful application

Recently, one application bring my interest. That is useful to make articles in English to correct sentences if it include some mistakes. The advertisements has appeared while watching contents of Youtube. At first I did not understand that function because that is in English but I recognize detail of that since I see same AD repeatedly.

It does not any cost to install the usuful application. I don’t understand why free on charge and suspect that has risk for offering fee after install. However that is provided by a credible company, Microsoft Inc. Futhermore there are other similar applications without any charge. At last I decided to install that.

Despite yet install, after get that application my communication will be distinguish ly expanding. I have several foreign country friends who cannot recognize Japanese whom I have to make conservation with in English. Then all most of all communication is bia Email of SNS, writing. now, it takes a lot of time to write English sentences because of lack of skill but after to start using that I will be able to write quickly, briefly and appropriately.

Needless to say, that is very helpful to write this diary but I don’t want to use that when I write these dailies. The primary purpose of this diary is to develop my English writing skill. Then I will write without that.

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