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chicken year..

The cerebrating new adult parson day was held yesterday. Then it is a national holiday yesterday. the days in 2days were holidays because of week end. Unfortunately i had work on Saturday. In addition i had to study in library because i am planning to take exam in coming march. that kind of exam is the fourth times for me. most result were not good for me. Then I must get good achievement next exam.

We have specific tradition attribution about year in Japan. Every 12 years have symbolic animal, for instance mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, and so on. The kind of animal in this year is chicken. According to folklore it is noisy year in chicken and monkey year.

In addition we have other attribute about symbolic animal. by the way Chinese characters mean each real animals are differ from ones of years symbolic animals. In chicken case, the former is 鶏 and later is 酉. Needless to say, Chines characters are ideograms. In other words those has mean. the Chinese character, 酉 express a pot that is for storaging harvests. in the end that mean harvest then we tend to gain good result in year of 酉。

for those reason i have to study very hard in order to getting passing the examination.

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