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business trip

t is normal practice to wear business suits in japan. in particular worker on sales department should wear. even if i am not on sales dep but I sometime deal with kind of work sales and visit our consumers or suppliers and so on. then i need to usually in business suit in my office.however wearing business suit is quite rare case. by the way i am wearing that today because i am planning visit customer.

i mention i am not on sales but visit my cusotomer once a week at least. all most case i have a business trip because all most offices of consumer located far from my office. there are in tokyo of around there and our office has little distance to reach to there. ordinal case business person having business trip if they work in the place far from their office location and attribution of business trip is during at least 2days that mean include staying night.

i never stay night in other place there are several reason. first of all our department burget is very tight because it are not sales department then I have a little bugget for business trip. second, my home located not near my work place but Tokyo then I do not need to take hotel.

today's destination of business is in near here.it take 1 hour to reach. the method to go is via car. i need to drive. short distance is very comfortable for me but driving car is very stressful.

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