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i recently frequently go to Tv company that mean i have had a work in TV company. i am working at a company witch has wide various department such as department of owing and operating fish boats, fishmonger, running retail sale, related to frozen wear house, and so on. one of them is in manufacturing industry. then I have been making promotion some of its products on TV.

despite our house located near Tokyo, my am working in far from tokyo. most Tv company are in tokyo then i should have business trip. In addition i need to visit frequently and have meeting for long time until publishing is completed. then we need to spend not only times and money. that is very great burden for our company.

i have gone there at least one a week. i have to go tomorrow too. every time i go, i usually leave my office in the evening before visiting then i will leave here. i had written i am very busy during last a couple month. then I have not time to concentrate on on work that mean i have to deal with marutipul work.

dealing with kind of work related to TV promotion take a lot of time and some it let me down. today is too.

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