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occasional consecutive holidays

I had a lot of national holiday in addition consecutive holiday in Japan during autumn, in September, October and Nobember. For instance SEP 19 was Respecting elder day, vernal equinox day is in SEP 22. October has sports day and it is scheduled culture day and thanks working day in Nobember. the reason why a lot national holidays in fall but then that is told that that season is suitable to go on tour.

after renewing political institution related to national holiday that phenomenon has been facilitated. the changing has holiday move from original day Monday near the date.As the result we had some consecutive holiday. then it became easy to go to the other part more far of the country. that give some advantages for not only leisure activity but also work, business for instance amount of sales of goods increase.

however increasing consumption make some worker to be busy during holiday then someone would be able to get holiday. for instance worker in tourism industry, occupation related to public transportation, shop clerk and so on. i am working for company having various kind of department that is in each in industry by the way and some employee having responsible for some kind of occupation does not be day off during consecutive holidays and one of them is I unfortunately.

I had work on several national holiday because I had to participated the event some of them are rural and other are took part in city. it looks like tragedy but I dont think because I will get compensatory holidays. that is very helpful to go on abroad trip. I can get consecutive more 3day off. i m look forward next occasional vacation.
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