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sleeping time

Even if I always go to bed almost midnight, I recently wake up eary. I usually sleep from 1 AM to around 7 AM, during 6ours. in addition that I have woke up for a while to take an English lesson. That is very painful for me. I can just only have 5 hours on sleep. I have been feeling asleep these days. However, studying time is not enough to archive my target score.

The examination is scheduled to take part on this coming weekend. I have only for full 3 days and 2 nights then I have been confusing. when. I was young, more young? I study as long as getting more good results but now it is appropriate for me. for previous me, the examination of another opportunity for evaluation or rating meany chance to recognize my progress but it has been a method to accept my degenerate.

Such phenomenon has been annoying me. I feel sad every time, receiving proof of weakening and taking examinations. furthermore, it is bad weather, crowd and very cold to spend comfortable then I am sad . I should change my mind and be going to work hard and study a lot by thinking joyful after the test. I have many plans to do discharge form test preparation.

some of them are torips. I am planning to go on 2torips until new years day. one of them is domestic and another is abroad. destination of first is Osaka, Western part of .japan, second is mainland China and Taiwan. moreover, I have some party such as Christmas reunion and soon.I look forward to these activities.

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