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across the border

it has been in the long business trip recently that will last at Monday, so long long trip. I was used to have long trip because I have gone on such kind of trip for a lot of times that is not only business but also private. Even if it became no frequently to conduct trip by business, i often became go on trips by private. for example I have been abroad for 5times during the past a year.

specially I had gone Taiwan 3times last year. some of my acquintances tell me why did you boring to go same place many times. however i have different purposes for each trips. for instance climbing , going to musical event and of course sight seeing.

speaking of my latest Taiwan trip, I was surfing. that was for 4 full says and 3 night and I went to beach all days. I woke up before daybreak and eat enough amount food and go out the pacific ocian at just before sunrise. that is very good experience.

I am planing other trip. I will go Taiwan too. beside I am going to mainland china at first then i will ride train bound for south and one city located south part of china to the island where having land conflict between china and taiwan by ferry, after showing around the island by motor bike i fly to taiwan. I look forward because going across the border is the first time for me.

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