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working defficulty

one od my acquaintances has been deeling with getting job activity. it was long time ago when took part in a simmilar event and i was suffer frou great stress because there is not enougu amount of job. enenif japanese racio of lossing work has been decline but students looking for job has another defficulty. that us pain from liberty.

in my acquintamce casr, she feel stress because she could not decide what kind of work she eould like for. if japanese ecnomy dpes not doing well and there are only small number of work in japan, she must not considet for her choising. sshe say that is vety painfull situation becausr she will be responsible to all the achivemrnt of her choice .

any way she has been worrying and i have nothing to talj to her. by the way her pain give some effect fo me. that offet me a opportunity to think about my job. i could not choice my job when i dealed eith job haunting but i can chsnge my job now. her inquarly give sepectaculary sence for my recently job.

neefless to say working us too difficult but thinking anout work is difficult too.

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