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I have been living long time. Through that time, i learned the places where i can, have to settle various emotion, agury, fear, sad and so on. Then i became live as ease as time past. However I can not recognize only one place to place emotion. That is love.

That have I had been confuse like that I have been kicked by somebody. Needless to say I have many people I love and some of them love me but that is different issue. That mean whom do I love is differ than how should i love.

Because of that issue i have been suffered by emotion under control and i hate many dears. some of the them is precious person for me, relatives, friends, and and girl I had been loving and I have been loving. I bereave my emotions are more huge rather than ordinary peoples. Addition I have luck of capability to dscipline myself.

My emotion has cycle becaming huge after then being small like economic cycletion. The most huge peak always come this season in the middle of winter. I have been bearing.

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