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win my prospective, there are no tribes likes festival much as japanese. actually many ones are proposed to take place all over the year. as far as remenber one region that has long history has more 200s festivals during a year. by the way, we have a frsival today. that is big event even if no long history. howrver now that has been one of very famous festivals in my country.

needless to say, most popular religion is buddhidm here but we have held a lot other regional ceremony such as x,mas, valentine day, and so on. about X,mas that is dfined as one of most important 3festivals for japanese. the other 2 are new yrars day and Obon day which origin buddhism cereminy in the middle of august. some peoles say that but others say third festibal is not Obon. they have said the event had been held today. i believe i should not explain about the event. that is halloween.

i dont know detail about halloween. i m not familiar with which countory event that are. in addition at least a decade ago that wad not major. only for foreign peapole living in japan. howrver recently that is held many place all over japan.

most famous venue is Sibuya located in doen toen area of tokyo. by just before i was in Shinjyuku whete is close to Shibuya. it was almost evening. number of peapole in sucred costume or peculiar mask had been incleasing. i escaped from that area before being threated to give candy.
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