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ロシア隣国の運命を背負った音楽〜エストニア バルト海のほとりにて

Eduard Tubin,Symphony No.4 ("Lyrical") pomip926 1,994 13,006 views

Published on Nov 29, 2013

Eduard Tubin is one of the best known of the composers produced by Estonia. Having lived from 1905-1982, his life saw many significant historical changes for his country, many of them turbulent. As a result of his life experiences, his music and compositions reflect a great deal of his country's history and struggle for independence, while introducing to the rest of the world a unique musical style. While his music took longer to gain popularity in Western musical circles, Tubin's work was well known in Estonia, Sweden, and the surrounding areas as far back as the 1930s. Symphony No.4 dates from 1943 but was revised many years later.

NDR Symphony Orchestra/Neemi Jarvi.
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