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“The owl of Minerva takes its flight at dusk,”Hegel taught us.Interpreting is always retrospective, made after the day has passed. Tafuri tells us why modern events unfolded the way they did; so the story he writes must have already come to an end.

二つ目の「Tafuri tells us why modern events unfolded the way they did」という文章の和訳が、うまくできません。

Googleなどで、例えば“why events unfolded the way they did”と打って調べると結構ヒットするのですが、よく使われる言い回しなのでしょうか?



What architecture is,but also how it had(「had」は斜体) to come to pass.In 『The Sphere and the Labyrinth』 Tafuri came to the conclusion that architecture of his own time had reached a limit condition.Of couse,the very concept of a limit condition is the historian's own suffering of the burden of history.Tafuri's historical method,and indeed the very precondition for dialectical thinking,entails a certain sense of negativity,imposes an effect of necessary failure―of ideological closure,of contradictions ultimately unsublateable.“The owl of Minerva takes its flight at dusk,”Hegel taught us.Interpreting is always retrospective,made after the day has passed.Tafuri tells us why modern events unfolded the way they did; so the story he writes must have already come to an end.And the interpretations in this book should be seen in that continuum of the modern, he tell us,as differentials focused against the horizon of our own time.“Formulated in the space where the present finds its problems,they attempt a dialogue with the‘era of representation.’” 『Interpreting the Renaissance』 is an inquiry into the other end of modern time,the closing cadenza of a long performance whose effect is to finally reprise his career-long theme.




>why events unfolded the way they did

the wayはここでは副詞節をつれる接続詞として機能しており「〜するように」
という意味です。よって、the wayをasに置き換えて

why events unfolded as they did


the way節の中にあるthey didというのはtheyがeventsを受けた代名詞、didがunfoldedを受けた代動詞であり、the way以下を直訳すると「実際に出来事が展開したように」という意味ですね。つまり、この部分全体では



ちなみに、unfoldは「(物語・出来事などが)展開する」という意味でよく使われますが、foldはもともと「(布・服などを)たたむ」という意味です。日本の「折り紙」はpaper foldingといわれたりもするようです。それにun-という接頭辞がついているので、




・Of couse,the very concept of a limit condition is the historian's own suffering of the burden of history.

ここのthe historianはTafriのことを指すと思われるので、「この歴史家」としたほうがよいのでは?

・“The owl of Minerva takes its flight at dusk,”Hegel taught us.Interpreting is always retrospective,made after the day has passed.

多分訳し方の問題だと思いますが、ここの二分目のthe dayというのはday and night「昼夜」のdayと同じで、「昼間、日が差している間」ということですよね。第一文のミネルバのフクロウが「黄昏=夕方」に飛び立つというduskという言葉を意識して使われた言葉だと思われるので、after the day has passedは「日が沈んだ後に」というくらいにしてもよいのでは?

・Tafuri tells us why modern events unfolded the way they did; so the story he writes must have already come to an end.


And the interpretations in this book should be seen in that continuum of the modern, he tell us,as differentials focused against the horizon of our own time.“

という文からも、ここでのthe modernとour own timeは区別されていることがわかります。よってここは、




the wayについては、今日道を歩いているときに急にunfoldedは他動詞ではなく自動詞で、the wayは接続詞だと気づきました。しかし文法的には自分で分かったものの「近代の出来事がなぜそのように展開したのか」という巧みな和訳は出てきませんでした。

それで今帰ってmixiを見て、kazuma さんの説明を聞いて改めて納得しました。




?What architecture is,but also how it had(「had」は斜体) to come to pass.?In 『The Sphere and the Labyrinth』 Tafuri came to the conclusion that architecture of his own time had reached a limit condition.?Of couse,the very concept of a limit condition is the historian's own suffering of the burden of history.?Tafuri's historical method,and indeed the very precondition for dialectical thinking,entails a certain sense of negativity,imposes an effect of necessary failure―of ideological closure,of contradictions ultimately unsublateable.?“The owl of Minerva takes its flight at dusk,”Hegel taught us.?Interpreting is always retrospective,made after the day has passed.?Tafuri tells us why modern events unfolded the way they did; ?so the story he writes must have already come to an end.?And the interpretations in this book should be seen in that continuum of the modern, he tell us,as differentials focused against the horizon of our own time.?“Formulated in the space where the present finds its problems,they attempt a dialogue with the‘era of representation.’” ?『Interpreting the Renaissance』 is an inquiry into the other end of modern time,the closing cadenza of a long performance whose effect is to finally reprise his career-long theme.

?に関してはwhat he isなどで「今日の彼」みたいな言い回しがあるので参考にしたのですが、後半のhow以下はどうなんでしょう?K-Youngさんの訳の方がいいかもしれません。






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