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I received a Tantillus beta unit on Thursday morning. Yesterday I unpacked and set it up. It took minimal assembly/adjustment. The first part I tried printing had a problem because of a skip about half way through the print. However, it printed without a problem when I restarted the printer.

Here's a quick video of the printing taken using my iPhone:


Hi Lem,

Thanks for your posting with such a marvelous result!あせあせ


レムさんのところに届いたTantillus β版プロトタイプの動作結果は大変に良好なものだったようです。一方でIndiegogoで募っていたファンドは1万ドルを達成したものの、目標の3万ドルには届かない結果となりました。しかし、この結果とは関係なくTantillusは出荷される模様です。ソース・ファイルは全て公開されたようですね。

Hello Katsu-san.

I think you built a Mendel printer - right?
Hi Lem

Ah I didn't know that was you ;) I actually found that video as related to Robotics videos on Youtube.
Well printed and nicely done in high-rez...!!

The way of packing feels like earlier generation of cupcake (I meant just for packing, not the structure) but how long time did it take to setup till first print?

Hi Hiro!

Yes, it's me. I've been following RepRap for a long time and visited Makerbot in Brooklyn several times. But during my last trip I met so many people doing great work with RepRap, I decided to get my first machine and really do something with it.

There were two machines that really impressed me - Tantillus (Sublime) and Printxel (Billy Zelsnack). Sublime had a extra prototype Tantillus, so that's the one I have now.

It took less than an hour to setup and start printing. It has a few minor problems - like a bad connection or solder joint that makes the LCD display unstable, but I can fix that.

The basic structure is boxy like the original Cupcake. That makes it very solid and reliable. The biggest advantage I've seen so far is the head and bowden tube design that results in very low moving mass.

During my July trip I'm scheduled to visit Sublime in Vancouver B.C. and Billy in Iowa.
Hi Katsu,

Thanks. I noticed your website before but didn't realize it was you.

I'm still a novice with RepRap and learning more every day. Tantillus is a good design though I'm sure that Sublime and others will quickly improve on it. I want to gain experience with it for a while, then try to make a second machine - hopefully with even better performance.
Hi Katsu-san,

I noticed from your website that you use blue tape on the bed. Could you tell me the brand/part number? I'm using 48 mm wide Scotch-Blue tape from Canada now but will have to buy more soon. I found some 3M painters tape at the local DIY store in Inage Kaigan, but it is only 24 mm wide. Maybe that's the only width sold in Japan...?

That's pretty interesting that Bowden tube design is good in Tantillus. I can imagine that box type of body structure gives solid result since my printer has been updated to Mendel type to box type :)

Printxel is also showing good result too.
mmmm probably it's a time to set LCD screen on my printer ;)

I was living in NYC for 6yrs untill end of last year but had no chance to go to Makerbot's bot cave.
I wanted to try their vending machine so bad haha. (wanted motor driver mk4 at that time)

I will be waiting to hear your reports from where you attend!!
Hi Katsu,

Wow... I import from Amazon US sometimes, but the shipping gets expensive. I probably have enough tape for a couple weeks of printing and will pick up more when I go to Canada & the US next month.

About the #99BB surface - Prusa does a light sanding of his tape surface then wipes it with acetone with a small amount of dissolved ABS before printing. He has a video about it on Youtube. Brad (Sublime/Tantillus) just uses #2090 with no special preparation. He doesn't replace it until the tape is torn so badly it can't be used anymore. Of course he only prints PLA, not ABS. He's a real eco/green type of guy.
Hi Katsu,

I have had the same problem - http://3d-printing-dreams.com/2012/06/the-right-tool-for-the-job/

Last night I ordered a couple of spare pieces of glass from Kowa so that I can quickly swap them and not have to wait to clean and retape.

Hi Katsu,

The tapered end seems to work better. The tape is soft enough so that the tapered end pushes it down a little and that allows it to get under the part without tearing the tape - if you're very careful. I still tear the tape, but not as often as I did before.



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