

WYD2011翻訳チームコミュの翻訳依頼:Facebook のNote65

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Youth Unite to Change the World
World Youth Alliance bring World Youth Day to the European Parliament
July 18 -World Youth Alliance, an international organization dedicated to promoting human rights and solidarity among youth, recently emphasized the global importance and positive effects achieved by World Youth Day.

On a June 28, 2011 WYA sponsored public hearing before the European Parliament entitled: “Solidarity, Freedom, Democracy…The Experience of the World Youth Day and its contribution to the European project”, two former WYD participants expanded upon their WYD experience.

Ms Leen Van Blauwen and Mr Klemen Žumer, both young people working with European Parliament and committed to living the message of World Youth Day, testified to the effectiveness of the World Youth Day message enacted in their own lives.

Ms. Leen Van Blauwen currently works as assistant to Fr. Piotr Mazurkiewisz, general secretary of the COMECE (Commission of the Bishop´s Conferences of the European Community). Her first experience with World Youth Day was in Rome, 2000, with John Paul II. “When the Holy Father called us, young people during the closing event, "the disciples of the new millennium and the watchmen of the dawn" it struck me deeply.” Blauwen says that after this encounter, she changed her life to follow this call.

“All of this is burning in my heart and I do not seize to deepen it but also to transmit it to others that is why since I have gone to WYD, not for myself but to able to give this message of hope.” Blauwen testified to the importance of youth in Europe´s society through the positive messages of World Youth Day and the call to responsible citizenship.

Mr Klemen Žumer works as an advisor in the cabinet of Mr. Joseph Daul MEP (French), President of the European People´s Party – Christian democrats. His first experience with World Youth Day was in 1997 in Paris, France.

These testimonies received a positive response from members present who recognized the importance of youth and their ability to shape the future. World Youth Day was recognized as a positive and life-changing experience that is beneficial for the whole of Europe because of the values it promotes.

Van Blauwen´s testimony further emphasized the role of religion as a positive contribution to the European Union:

“It seems to me that he, and Benedict XVI with him, encouraged us young people that we can make a difference, that the future is up to us, not by being revolutionaries but by doing what God calls us to do, studying for the one, working for the other, taking up social and political responsibilities in small town organizations and on a higher level.”

World Youth Alliance will be hosting a table at World Youth Day at the Love & Life Site, Palacio de Deportes, organized by the Knights of Columbus and the Sisters of Life. There, they will be hosting “Solidarity Excursions”, training sessions to build youth into leaders who understand the value of human dignity. They will continue to update their website with further news and ways to become involved in the WYA movement: www.WYAatWYD.com.




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