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Wednesday February 2, 2011
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Residents recovering from storms
Date January 27, 2011
Section(s) Local
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roxannebrown@dailycommercial.com, bradbuck@dailycommercial.com
Residents spent Wednesday recovering from a powerful storm with winds up to 70 mph that whipped through Groveland late Tuesday, c ...
roxannebrown@dailycommercial.com, bradbuck@dailycommercial.com
Residents spent Wednesday recovering from a powerful storm with winds up to 70 mph that whipped through Groveland late Tuesday, causing damage to at least 30 homes.
Trees were uprooted, and some ended up through the roofs of homes already littered with debris, fencing and downed power lines.
Scott Spratt, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service, spent part of Wednesday in Groveland assessing damage. Lake County Emergency Management Director Jerry Smith was also there along with Groveland police, Red Cross volunteers and insurance adjusters.
According to Spratt, what caused the damage were straight-line winds and not tornadoes, like his department originally suspected.
Nevertheless, at least 400 homes were without power until late Tuesday, six homes were condemned and three families displaced.
Property damage is estimated between $500,000 and $1million and spanned a one-and-a-half mile area from the Groveland-Mascotte border near Stina Road, northeast to Ashley Street and Catherine Lane in Groveland.
"We are very grateful no one was severely injured or killed, but we do feel compassion for the people whose homes sustained damage," Smith said.
Whatever officially caused the damage made no difference to Bradley Howell.
The 15-year-old was just happy to have escaped unscathed after being awakened by the sound of wind and rain.
Howell said he got out bed, looked out his window and saw debris flying everywhere.
Seconds later the tree which sits in his front yard, came through the roof and landed inches from where he lay just minutes before.
"I didn't realize it was our tree at first. I just knew the roof was coming down. I was out of the way just in time," Howell said. "I was lucky."
Tanya Dion, his mother, said she, her husband and two small children, had just arrived home and parked their car, when they heard something "slam up against the garage."
"I looked out and saw the tree swaying and swaying but what was happening is that it was falling," Dion said.
She then ran into the house with the kids, just as Howell ran down the stairs from his attic room, shouting for all of them to get in the closet.
"He was scared and half asleep," Dion said of Howell, adding that it was more than luck on Howell's side that saved him from being hit by the falling tree, but an angel watching over him.
Butch Kemp, the owner of another home on Ashley Street, watched as his house was deemed condemned.
A shed that flew from his neighbor's yard into his carport, destroyed it. The winds also tore off part of the roof above his kitchen, leaving him with leaky patches and no where to go.
Next door, a duplex and attached garage were gutted.
"I'm glad nobody was hurt. Everyone kind of just ran for coverage under mattresses and into the bathroom," Kemp said.
But Kemp, like others throughout the neighborhood, don't believe it was 70 mph winds, but a tornado that touched ground in their neighborhood.
"You'll never convince me in a hundred years that 70 mph winds did this damage. To have all this happen, the wind must have been at least 100 mph," said Flor Tellado, who owns the home Howell and Dion live in.
Tellado is convinced it was a tornado that paid his neighborhood a visit.
All day Wednesday, Red Cross volunteers where nearby, offering up water, snacks, cleaning kits, gloves, trash bags, teddy bears and more, to people affected by the storm.
In Sumter County, sheriff's Lt. Bobby Caruthers said officials there received no reports of property damage or injuries from the storms. One tree fell on State Road 50, but it was quickly cleaned up, he said.
"We had some very much-needed rain," Caruthers said.
As for electrical outages, Sumter Electric and Progress Energy serve most of Lake and Sumter counties.
About 3,000 SECO customers, system-wide, lost power during the storms, said company spokesman Barry Bowman. SECO serves customers in Lake, Sumter, Marion, Citrus, Hernando, Levy and Pasco counties. Bowman said he did not have a county by county report on the outages.
Power was restored to those customers by Wednesday, Bowman said.
He credits SECO's three-year-old program to trim trees on and off company right of way to ensure the branches do not damage power lines.
"We actually fared pretty well," Bowman said. "That was one very nasty system."
As for Progress Energy, about 4,000 customers lost power in Lake County, according to company officials, while one lost power in Sumter.
Power had been restored to the Sumter customer by Wednesday, according to the company website. All but two customers had their power restored in Lake County.
The storms put weather spotters in Lake County into action Tuesday afternoon, said Tavares-based weather spotter Ted Luebbers.
During the storm, the Lake County Amateur Radio Emergency Service activated a National Weather Service Skywarn radio network and reported dangerous weather conditions within the county and surrounding areas, Luebbers said.
Some 45 ham radio operators from Lake County and surrounding areas checked into the VHF radio network and stood by until the dangerous storm had passed through, Luebbers said.



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