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V-VST(volume-viscosity swallow test)による嚥下スクリーニングの論文を紹介します。

Clavé P, et al: Accuracy of the volume-viscosity swallow test for clinical screening of oropharyngeal dysphagia and aspiration. Clin Nutr. 2008 Dec;27(6):806-15.

嚥下障害患者を対象に、ネクター状(295.02 mPa.s)、水(21.61 mPa.s)、プリン状(3682.21 mPa.s)の順番に、それぞれ5ml、10ml、20mlでスクリーニングテストを行います。パルスオキシメーターは使用して3以上低下した場合や、咳、声の変化は異常(impaired safety)と診断します。複数回嚥下や咽頭残留も問題(impaired efficacy)と判断しますが、誤嚥ではないので前者よりは軽い評価です。ゴールドスタンダードはVFです。


日本ではRSST、FT、MWSTが普通に行われていて、トロミでの飲水テストも行われています。V-VSTはトロミ、水、プリン(ゼリー)の順番に1口量を決めて行っているだけで、日本での様子と大差はありません。V-VSTをそのまま日本に導入することは、プリン状をトロミ調整食品で作っていることからして現実的ではありません。少なくともModified V-VSTにしなければ、日本では広まらないでしょう。


AIMS: To determine the accuracy of the bedside volume-viscosity swallow test (V-VST) for clinical screening of impaired safety and efficacy of deglutition.

METHODS: We studied 85 patients with dysphagia and 12 healthy subjects. Series of 5-20 mL nectar (295.02 mPa.s), liquid (21.61 mPa.s) and pudding (3682.21 mPa.s) bolus were administered during the V-VST and videofluoroscopy. Cough, fall in oxygen saturation > or =3%, and voice changes were considered signs of impaired safety, and piecemeal deglutition and oropharyngeal residue, signs of impaired efficacy.

RESULTS: Videofluoroscopy showed patients had prolonged swallow response (> or =1064 ms); 52.1% had safe swallow at nectar, 32.9%, at liquid (p<0.05), and 80.6% at pudding viscosity (p<0.05); 29.4% had aspirations, and 45.8% oropharyngeal residue. The V-VST showed 83.7% sensitivity and 64.7% specificity for bolus penetration into the larynx and 100% sensitivity and 28.8% specificity for aspiration. Sensitivity of V-VST was 69.2% for residue, 88.4% for piecemeal deglutition, and 84.6% for identifying patients whose deglutition improved by enhancing bolus viscosity. Specificity was 80.6%, 87.5%, and 73.7%, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: The V-VST is a sensitive clinical method to identify patients with dysphagia at risk for respiratory and nutritional complications, and patients whose deglutition could be improved by enhancing bolus viscosity. Patients with a positive test should undergo videofluoroscopy.



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