

あの映画のセリフを極めてやる!コミュの10日間で男を上手にフル方法("How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days")

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Andie Anderson (Kate Hudson) decides to spice up her How-To column in Composure Magazine by venturing out into the Manhattan singles market to see if she can make a guy fall for her, and then get him to dump her within 10 days.


Simultaneously, advertising executive Benjamin Barry (Matthew McConaughey) makes a bet with his boss that he can meet a woman and have her fall in love with him within 10 days.


Naturally the two of them come together, and, oblivious to each other's wagers, they quickly bond. But when Andie turns off her charms and turns on the dumping tactics, Benjamin must do all he can not to be repulsed by her so that he can win his side of the bet.


With Andie unable to comprehend why she can't rid herself of her guy, and with Benjamin frustrated at Andie's peculiar behavior, the two of them begin down the inexorable path toward genuine romance.


Here is an interesting dialogue between the two main characters after they find out about each other’s bets:


Ben:That's what I was, huh? I was your guinea pig, somebody you can test your theories on.

(それは僕だって言うのかい、え? 僕は、君がその主張をテストする為のモルモットだったのか。)

Andie:And I was just a girl somebody picked out in a bar.


Ben:Yeah, so what, big deal? Hell, now you can even use it as a little twist in your story.


Andie:That's a good idea, maybe we should bet on it.


Ben:You know what, you did your job now Andie.


Andie:Yes I did


Ben:You wanted to lose a guy in 10 days, congratulations you did it. You just lost him.


Andie:No I didn't Ben, cause you can't lose something you never had!


Some interesting expressions from this confrontation are:


“I was your guinea pig” - to be a guinea pig is to be used as a subject for experiment.

「僕は君のモルモットだった」- モルモットになるとは、実験の対象になるということです。

“big deal” - here the phrase is used ironically and when used this way it expresses contempt for something regarded as unimpressive. A similar phrases that is used is "so what?!".

「大したものだ」 - ここでは、このフレーズは皮肉として使われています。そして、このように使われる時には、それは印象的でないと考えられている何かに対する侮りを表します。よく似たフレーズは、「それで、どんな?!」

“twist in the story” - when there is a twist in a story, it means that there is an unexpected change that the viewer/reader did not anticipate.


“you can't lose something you never had” - This is an interesting expression that can have several uses. The most common usage implies that one should not dwell on the loss of something/someone that was never owned/part of their life in the first place.

「持っていなかったものを失うことは決してできない」 - これは、いくつか応用できる面白い表現です。最も一般的な用法としては、これまで全部/一部でも持っていなかった誰か/何かのことを、失うことはないのだから、決してくよくよしてはならないことを意味します。

Bonus phrases and expressions from opening dialogue:


to spice up- to make more interesting or exciting

味付けする - 面白くさせる、ワクワクさせる

for example: to spice up the relationship John took Katie to Paris. // To spice up the news story it was slightly exaggerated.

例:付き合いを活気付ける為に、ジョンはケイトをパリに連れて行った。// ニュース記事を引き締める為に、僅かに誇張された。

to fall for someone- to fall in love with someone 誰かに落ちる

- 誰かと恋に落ちる

for example: after their trip to Paris, Katie really fell for John.



ケイトハドソンほんまかわいいです 好きにならない男性なんていないよぉ。。わーい(嬉しい顔)



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